Who is you? (Plot)

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    It was like something out of a fairy tale. But this still seemed familiar. Almost too familiar. But how? I've never been here before. I furrowed my brows as I looked around. 

   " You alright?" The doctor said smiling. I nodded while still looking around. 

     "Have I been here before?" His smile dropped and looked at me confused. Miss melodys head  immediately shot over toward me. I stumbled back a bit frightened. "Sorry, its just that... this place feels oddly familiar." 

     "NONSENSE! You've never been here before in your life! Even the few times we saw you, we never brought up anything about the tardis. Right sweetie?" She turned towards the doctor, who was looking at me with narrow eyes. 

      " Astria? That's your name right?" I got confused.

      "Of course it is!" 

      " Not a nickname, is it your full name?"  Uh oh. 

      " What does my name have to do with anything?" I asked concerned. I was never a fan of my full name. It didn't even sound like a name. Just a word. Astrology. It was too long and seemed weird. So when miss melody came into my life and have it a nickname I stuck with it. That's what I told people my real name was. 

     " Just curious." He walked towards a keyboard on the column that stood in the middle of the floor. There was a monitor attached to it and he typed a few things before examining the screen. 

     " It's Astrology." He stopped typing and looked at me. Eyes wide and a mix of sadness and realization. He looked over to miss.melody, she avoided eye contact with him and his face grew angry. He turned back to me. 

      "In your house. That's not your house is it?" He said with a bit of a harsh tone. My eyes widened at his sudden change of mood. I shook my head. 

      "It is-!"

       "No it isn't,  explain! Why is it that none of the photos in that house include you in it. It only shows pictures of a happy couple. But no child. You were so cautious to keep everything clean, to make sure it looked as if we weren't  there." What is he accusing me of? Breaking in? Lying? I was getting a bit impatient. Why would I lie? 

    "It is my house!" I pouted angrily. It is. Isn't it? My foster parents welcomed me in. Out of all the places I've moved in to, none of them ever felt like home. And now that I have one, this guy just accused me and saying I don't! It is my house! 

    "Then explain. If those are your parents, where are you? Those photos  seem old, they're collecting dust!" 

     " They ARE my parents. And those are old photos! So what if I'm not in them? Does it matter?!"

       "Yes! Why aren't you in them?"

       "Why do you care so much?!" He paused and looked back at miss.melody. I almost forgot she was here. 

      " I want to hear it from you," he said without turning back to me. Sending death glares to miss. "You know why you're not in them. You're just not saying it... Or do you want me to?" He looked back at me and stared silently. His nerve! How can someone just say things like this?! I scrunched up my knuckles and stomped away towards the door. " They're not your parents aren't they?"  I stopped and glared daggers at him. I can feel my face was red and burning. He looked down for a while before turning to miss.melody. " I had a suspicion." He sighed. "Who are you? I mean really, what's your last name?" 

      " It's Stotle. Just like Matt and Alex's, my parents. I AM their daughter." 

     " Biologically?... Or are you just adopted?" He asked it so cassually! How dare he! I don't care if he's an adult! That's just rude! He started making his way towards me and walked down the stairs. I sighed and wiped away a tear that came out of my left eye. There's no use in being angry. Just tell them and they'll leave you alone. Ugh.

      "Foster. I've been living with them for about two years now. I think I'm loosing count of the months too." I laughed at the last part. Usually I counted up to weeks. Rarely months. Mostly days. But with Matt and Alex, It became years. All of the above, I remember stopping at two years, five months, three  weeks and six days. Now I can't even remember.  He looked over to Miss.Melody. There was a new sadness in his eyes. 

     "Can you give us a moment please?" I hummed an okay and looked around awkwardly.  

       "Umm.." he looked back at me. 

        "Oh, yes, forgive me..um." he faltered and turned towards Miss who was focused on the floor. "Just go down to your left and keep on going straight until you see a door with a wooden knob" he gave me directions all while keeping his eyes on his wife. I was about to ask if I did something wrong or apologize at least. I chose the latter and was on my way. They didn't seem okay. His mood changed so suddenly. I guess mine did too,  

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