Living with the ponds: amy

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A/N: I don't know when or how but I accidentally deleted the original version of this
-also the living with the ponds is an "at the moment thing". Eventually I will make other "Living with/living in" chapters as their relationships grow.

How Ari sees Amy:

— at first Ari didn't really know how to feel about Amy since she spent more time with Rory

— Before Ari moved in Amy would call her occasionally to ask her some things she'd like to have in her room and sometimes simply just to talk. She thought it was sweet and eventually she started calling the ponds on her own time.

—- Ari still isn't entirely sure about what she wants to do after school for a career since she has so many options. And one of her choices was journaling and already took a few classes that are required for the career so when she heard that Amy was a journalist she got excited.

—- shes often ask Amy for advice and sometimes if she was really proud of one of her writings (which was rare) she'd show it to her

—- she's never been able to see the ponds as her grandparents and to her they've always been more of an aunt/ uncle. Though there are times when she feels closer and starts seeing them in a more as a father/mother figure

—-though the second she realizes this she panics and feels as if she's starting to subconsciously replace the stotles and forms a small distance from them for a while

—- compared to Rory ari obeys Amy way less. There is no real explanation for this. Ari's just a daddy's girl.

How Amy sees ari

— She's definitely gonna mom ari around 24/7

—- and finds that Ari makes her lose her patience quicker than the doctor and Mels did combined

—- she's definitely their child

—- she instantly felt a connection with Ari before she even knew who she was

—- the Christmas before they got in touch with Ari, a 16 year old girl vortex manipulated into their living room. All of them were in shock and the girl immediately passed out *Ari's first time using the manipulator* Rory panicked and immediately started checking Ari to see what could have been the cause of her passing out all while Amy stood back and observed her. She took in all her features, the vortex manipulator being the main give away as to who Ari was. Amy didn't say anything to Rory as she was worried herself that what she thought was true. She was filled with joy but also fear. If the doctor and river song had a child who knows what how many of their enemies were already planning an attack?

—- even if they haven't even established a real relationship yet she feels as if she and Ari were growing apart

—- Amy has always seen the similarities Ari has to the rest of the family, often leaving her to feel left out. She was basically a tiny doctor with a hint of rivers personality. And it didn't help that Ari clearly favored Rory.

—- despite all that, she put her feelings aside to make sure ari wouldn't notice and try and force a bond. She knew Ari was already having a hard time adjusting and didn't want Ari to know she was making her feel bad. She knew it was something she could talk to Rory about and forget about afterwards.

—- even if it makes her sad sometimes she finds Ari's similarities to the doctor cute. The way she talks faster when she's about to have an A-Ha moment. Or when she rambles On about something she and Rory are oblivious about but are expected to know.

—- she missed out on parenting melody properly so she's made it her goal to be the best mom to Ari

—- even if it makes her seem like the bad guy, or make Rory look even more like "the cool one"

—- she does get into a couple of arguments with Ari from time to time, which she's had to call Alex on FaceTime several times just to rant about how that child can get on her nerves.

—- this usually ends with Alex chuckling and making a small remark about Ari and later giving tips on how to care for Her

—- Amy literally takes notes, at some point it became an entire journal. With different sections on what makes Ari happy, upset and so on. Eventually Most of the notes came from her own observations. She learned what Ari's favorite foods were and what snacks she favored the most. And the ones that made her stomach hurt, which helped them learn that Ari was lactose intolerant.

—- when Ari found the journal she was confused at first but later a bit touched. No ones ever really gone out of their way to try and understand Ari and just excused her chaos for being a "troubled child" This hurt Amy realizing how many homes have given up on Ari for no reason and her journal really did mean something.

—- Amy felt more comfortable writing about Ari knowing she didn't have to keep the journal as a secret and eventually Rory put sticky notes in the journal too leaving random notes for both Amy and Ari.

—- sometimes when Ari's having issues she doesn't feel like talking about she writes letters to the ponds and hides in her room hoping they'll read them, receiving letters in return and eventually becoming their own little thing

—- As far as protectiveness goes Amy isn't afraid to go full on mama bear on anyone who tries to hurt Ari and always gets upset thinking about Ari's past and how she didn't have the best childhood growing up.

—- She definitely doesn't want Ari to travel with the doctor and knows full well what hell she's capable of bringing. She's still rivers daughter too.

—- sometimes she gets upset seeing how Rory can be calm in situations where Ari is in clear danger even if deep down she knows they're both worried out of their minds.

—- Shes definitely on the same page with Rory about the whole "stranger danger" thing and doesn't wanna risk anything that could get Ari stolen from them.

—- after the library incident she made Ari have a tracker on her phone

—- She's always been proud of Ari and was glad she had so many career options. Especially for a child Ari's age.

—- she was a bit iffy at first realizing that she'd be going to school with people more than three years older than her but learned to stay calm and only be at least 80% worried. She didn't want Ari to feel bad about going to school. Or make her the reason Ari doesn't want to go to it.

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