Part 38 | Come With Me

Start from the beginning

"It's not just about that. I missed you, all of you, Love. I missed my wife." I said. She smiled.

"So, I am thinking if you would like to come with me to Tokyo tomorrow?" I asked her. I was actually nervous because I know, she might refuse it.

"Babe, as much as I want to, you know I have work he—" I cut her line.

"I have asked permission already from all of your employers." I said.

"Really? And they agreed?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay. But I'll check the schedule of the bus first." She said.

"No need. I know there's only one bus a week getting down there and we're taking a car." She was surprised and nodded.

"Jen, as much as I want to tour you around, I don't have enough money yet maybe I shou-" I put a spoon of food on her mouth.

"You should eat a lot. You're too skinny. I'm sure you missed my cooking." I said smiling at her. She nodded and smirked.

"About the money, our joint account has never been touched since you left. All your company's income for two years is sent directly to your personal account, babe. Should I repeat that we are still married, Lisa?" She looked at me and has a lot of questions.

I got up from my chair and took my wallet from my bag.

"Here. Those are new cards. The bank called me a year ago that your cards were not active anymore and they worried about it. So, since we're married and they know us, I made some arrangements at the bank to release new cards for you." I handed her those five cards.

"I actually don't know where to use my money. I'm too contented with my life here, Jen."She said.

"That's yours. You can do whatever you want with it. Why don't you help your friends at the abandoned rice store on the street?" I told her and I saw Lisa's genuine smile.

"You can also build a restaurant for Mr. and Mrs. Hara here. I know you wanted to help them. They told me you made a lot of improvements at the food house. And Lisa, they told me that they really cared for you when you had nothing. And when they discovered who you are, they didn't judge you. The really cared for you." She can't believe what she's hearing from me. She nodded.

"Jen, you still make me believe that we're soulmates. We think the same. So, can I buy a house and put up a business for that family on the street? And can I put up a big restaurant for Mr. & Mrs. Hara?" She asked for my permission.

"I was the one who actually first suggested. You can do whatever you want, Lisa. That's your money. I am here to support you because I know helping makes you really happy." She smiled and her eyes become teary.

"One more thing, Love, have you tried our cards here at the bank nearby? I want to get some cash." She asked.

"Yeah. When I came by, I withdrew from an atm nearby, yeah. Why? Do you need to buy something? How much?" I asked her.

"I don't have a phone, so, I cannot make a wire transfer. I am planning to secure James' future." I got curious of this James. Does Lisa have a son here?

"James? Do you have a son here, love?" So I asked directly and a bit nervous.

"Oh. No. He is Kai's son. Is it okay if I do that? Is it okay if we go to their house first tomorrow morning? You know, I want you two to meet too." She said.

Lisa, I am not sure if there are still people like you. People who are kind-hearted.

"Sure, we can. Let's just get you a phone in Tokyo and get Kai's details tomorrow and there let's transfer the amount you desire." I assured her and seeing Lisa this happy really warms my heart.

The morning came and Lisa was surprised to see Mr. and Mrs. Hara's car at the parking.

"Jen?" I know what's on her mind.

"Yeah. They said you have a driver's license so here, so let's go! And Lisa, I don't know other people who owns a car here aside from them." She just smiled, opened the door for me and we went to Kai's house. Along the road, Lisa explained to me why Kai stole from their company years ago.

We arrived at Kai's house. Lisa knocked on the door and Kai's eyes went big seeing the us.

"Oh jesus! Finally, you made it, Jen!" He said gesturing us to come inside. Lisa looked at me confused.

"He called and told me about you." I winked at her.

Kai introduced her wife and their son to me. I am so happy seeing Kai so in love with Hannah.

Lisa is still a businesswoman in the end with her reasoning just to get Kai's bank details.

After our heartfelt conversation with her best friend's family, we decided to leave already.

"Hey. Whenever you two have problems, please always go back to where it all started, okay? Please always think how you two fell in love. We all know that only the two of you are meant for each other and no one should get in the way. Promise me, you'll never leave each other again through ups and downs." Kai said and he pulled Lisa and hugged her tight.

I went to Kai and hugged him too and her wife.

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