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Prim was sat within the lounge when Orion had entered, telling her of his meeting and that he would be gone for the next hour or so. She hadn't spoken to him since he came home yesterday and Prim could feel the tension between them like a tight string. She knew it was her fault, that she was making things even more difficult for both of them. Part of her wanted to apologize and try to speak to him like an actual person, the rest of her wanted to ignore his very existence.

As soon as the door had shut behind Orion, Primrose was up and closing her book. She had been meaning to explore a little and now that Orion would be gone for a while it was the best opportunity to do so. The House of Wind was far smaller than Rosehall but still larger than most townhouses. Prim followed down the hall, passing rooms she was already familiar with and heading straight for the study at the end.

Her hand went straight to the handle and the door was opening before she could convince herself not to snoop. Inside was a desk surrounded by filing cabinets, the desk itself was overflowing with papers and documents. To Prim's surprise, as she moved around to the desk, she noticed a book sat within the middle, pilled on top of the papers. Prim swiped it up without a second thought, it was old, the pages coloured yellow and had many tears and folds. She had never seen Orion reading, perhaps she really knew nothing about him at all. Setting the book down and moving from the study, Prim was about to head up the staircase to explore the upper level when a knock on the door sounded. Prim froze, her feet stuck to the bottom step as she turned to look over her shoulder.

She could not see who it was, could not hear anything to indicate anything either. Primrose was home alone in a house owned by the high lord himself. Prim walked cautiously toward the door, hoping it was just Orion who had forgotten something. She advanced forward, gripping the door and opening it with an inhale. Before her stood someone she recognised, though could not name. She stood with a smile, her hair in light curls, one hand resting on a bump on her stomach that Prim hadn't even noticed the other night and the other held a bag that seemed to be rather full.

"Primrose," she smiled, standing there within her long-sleeved pink dress and cream stockings, "I'm Elain Archeron, I don't think we were formally introduced the other night!"

Prim blinked, slowly opening the door for Elain, "R-right, um yes!"

Moving swiftly past Prim and into the house, Elain headed for the sitting room, setting her bag down beside her as she took a seat on the closest couch. Prim followed after her awkwardly, standing against the mantlepiece as she watched Elain curiously. With her left hand still upon her bump, Elain reached into her bag, pulling out a potted plant and a tin. She set them upon the table and looked up at Prim with a smile, "Consider them house warming gifts, I hope you like lemon drizzle cake!"

So, the tin had cake in and she was also giving her a plant...

"Oh, thank you...?" Prim said, not quite knowing what Elain had bothered at all.

Setting the empty bag down upon the table, Elain patted the empty seat beside her and Prim found herself moving immediately, not wanting to upset the pregnant lady who just so happened to be Orion's aunt. There was something calming about Elain, something that made her feel comfortable beside her - much like Primrose felt with Nova.

Prim sat gently, watching as Elain lent back and turned her head to her, "I want you to know that I'm here for you if you need anything. I know what it feels like to be taken somewhere you feel you don't belong. Despite my families dislike of your court, I want you to be able to come to me if you ever feel lost. Orion is my nephew and while I adore him I know he can be rather difficult and stubborn, if you ever need some time away, my husband Azriel and I will happily welcome you into our home."

Primrose found herself staring at Elain, watching the sweet fae woman who had only spoken to her once before and was now offering her sanctuary. Her lips rose in an unsure smile, "Elain, I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you and your kind words. I've not felt very welcomed but I now know that you are beyond welcoming and I do not deserve that."

Elain moved her hand to rest on Prim's thigh, Prim not quite knowing how to feel about the sudden close contact. She smiled nonetheless, watching as Elain spoke, "Primrose, you are ever so deserving. My family are very stubborn and I'm sorry they made you feel unwelcomed. I trust you without knowing you and I will continue to do until you give me a reason not to."

Subtly moving her hand, Prim set her palm atop of Elain's and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Thank you, I don't know how I could ever repay you. Congratulations, by the way, I didn't notice the other night."

Elain's smile grew across her cheeks, her other hand now running in circles around her stomach, "Thank you, Prim! It's been a long, long time of trying but I'm very grateful to finally be blessed with a child of my own. You never know, you and Orion could be in this position one day."

"Oh, Elain I- I don't think so." Prim blushed, pulling her hand away and glancing across the room. She and Orion would never be in Elain and Azriel's position, Prim was very sure of that.

Elain stood with a gentle smile, both hands resting on her bump, "If there's any advice I could give you its that these things take time, Primrose. Perhaps, you should give my nephew a chance. You would be good for him."

Prim stood, joining Elain as she moved back toward the front door, "I promise I'll think about it."

She would not think about it.

Rushing forward to open the door for Elain, Prim jumped slightly upon seeing Orion on the other side of the door, his keys in hand. Forgetting everything as she stared into his eyes, Prim found herself stuttering as she looked to him confusingly, "What are you doing here?"

"Dad got pulled out of the meeting so I just came home. Nice to see you're happy to see me, dearest." He smirked, shaking his head at her as he brushed past. Prim turned in time to see his face light up upon seeing Elain. A smile immediately spread across his face, "Aunt Elain?"

Elain moved to hug her nephew, Orion giving her a side hug to not squash her rather swollen stomach. "Hi sweet boy, I was just dropping by to give Primrose a few things," she explained, pulling away and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Oh okay, well it was nice to see you!" Orion insisted, a very un-Orion-like smile upon his lips. Or perhaps, this was what a genuine smile looked like upon him. Primrose wouldn't know.

Elain moved to the front door, stepping out onto the steps and turning to Prim, "Remember what I said, okay?"

Prim nodded, "I will, thanks again, Elain."

Winking as she turned, Elain walked down the steps, watching her feet which each step she took. Her hands were laying very contentedly on her bump as she continued off into the street and Prim just knew, without even having to look, that she was smiling. Primrose stood there for a moment longer, watching until Elain disappeared out of sight. Perhaps, it wouldn't be too awful living here after all. Perhaps, Elain could be her star in the blackened night sky.

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