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The trip had taken a matter of seconds, though she now felt a whole lifetime away from the Spring Court. Night had already fallen here, the house before her bathed in golden candlelight. She and Orion had landed in the foyer of a house. Beneath her feet, navy blue velvet carpets covered the wooden floors, an oak staircase stood before them, leading up to higher levels. It was flawlessly polished, practically sparkling. Warmth flooded around her, the goosebumps on her skin fading. The walls to either side of her were panelled with wood, they were decorated with various works of art. Primrose remembered her father mentioning this court's high lady was an artist, perhaps some of the works were her own. Multiple depictions of the night sky, littered with stars. Snow-capped mountains with what appeared to be Illyrian warriors flying around the surrounding sky. A perfectly placed fireplace within a log cabin. Simple things, homely things. A nearby hallway offered the entry of more rooms and had she been alone, Prim would have happily explored them. Pulling her hand from Orion's, the lady of spring began to head up the staircase.

"Your room is last on the left. Your maid will be here soon to help you get ready for tonight," Orion stated, his voice ringing out through the empty foyer. As Prim turned, she saw her betrothed waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She observed Orion who stood with his hands in his pockets, an obnoxious smirk on his lips.

"I can dress myself," She hissed back, turning on her heels and taking off to find her room.

Her dress dusted along the wooden floors and she couldn't help but appreciate the delicate chandeliers that hung above her as she passed through the hall. Opening the last door on the left, Prim was met with a room full of boxes of her belongings. Just looking at her old life packed away, she wasn't sure if she would ever be able to reopen it all. A large bed with cream duvets and pillows sat against the back wall and other pieces of oak furniture lined the room. The door to an ensuite bathroom stood open, revealing a bathtub that already was filled with steaming water and rose petals. Not caring about packing away her things, Prim slipped out of her dress, removing her undergarments and leaving them in a pile on the floor. Once her shoes were removed, the coolness of the bathroom floor kissed her feet. Not bothering to check the temperature, Prim seeped into the bath. Orion's words were ringing through her head as she sunk beneath the water. Get ready for tonight. Tonight. Their wedding. She still couldn't believe this day had come. Perhaps she should just drown herself, though having Orion find her naked wasn't exactly the best way to go. Not that she cared what he thought of her body. A knock sounded on her bedroom door, her maid no doubt, and Prim climbed out of the tub, dripping water onto the floor as she wrapped a towel around herself.

"Yeah, come in," Prim called, lifting her clothes from the floor and chucking them into her wardrobe. Turning toward the door, Prim watched as a dark-skinned, dark-haired woman walked in holding something white within her arms.

"Your dress for tonight, lady," the maid said, hanging it up beside the wardrobe. Sparkling white silk hung from the hanger, sheer shoulder fabric joint to the bodice of a tightened corset which led to the puffed out skirts. Not her specific style but still astonishing.

"My name's Loysa, by the way. I'll be your maid for as long as you stay here." She explained, taking Prim by the wrist and pulling her to the vanity, insisting she sit.

Loysa was nothing like Malida. Malida had green-tinted skin with golden slit eyes and small glittering wings. Loysa, however, seemed like the usual fae - despite her dark eyes which were completely black. A scar also ran from Loysa's left eyebrow and around to the inner corner of her lip. It stood out against the darkness of her skin and added to the blandness of her other features. Loysa ran a brush through Prim's wet hair, beginning to tie it into braids atop of her head. She slipped golden pins and combs into the updo for more detail before turning Prim toward the light and starting on her face. Loysa applied a thin line of kohl along the bottom of Prim's eyelids before adding a berry balm to her lips and rubbing it into the apples of her cheeks. Ignoring her nakedness, Prim allowed Loysa to apply vanilla-scented oil across her bare body. It was Orion's favourite scent, had she known this, Prim would never have put it on, but she simply didn't have time for another bath. After slipping on some basic undergarments, it was time for the dress. Prim let out a long sigh before taking it from the hanger and just staring at the fabric.

"It was a gift from Miss Morrigan, the High Lord's cousin," Loysa stated, taking the dress from Prim and beginning to help her into it.

The silk felt cold against her skin and she couldn't help but shudder as it was brought up. Loysa tied the corset, tight enough to hurt but not tight enough to completely cut off her airways. The corset exaggerated the size of her bust which stood pronounced upon her chest. Prim slid her arms through the armholes and adjusted the shoulders into the right place, the fabric itched at her skin and she just wanted to tear it off. Basic white slippers were placed onto Prim's feet and she stood before the mirror, taking in the person she had become. The model of a bride to be.

Prim, with the assistance of Loysa, winnowed down to a nearby courtyard. It was decorated with white roses and candles that lit up brightly against the slowly darkening sky. Orion stood with his back to her, he was dressed in a navy blue suit with silver detailing, a priest stood before him. Prim walked slowly up to them, the sound of a harp filling her ears. Had she been marrying out of love, this would have been a memorable moment. But she was not marrying out of love, not in the slightest. As she reached Orion's side, she didn't dare look to him. He was finding amusement in this, no doubt. Amusement in knowing how much she was losing, how much she hated this whole damn thing. Her hands shook at her sides and it took everything in her to not turn around there and then. The priest spoke but Prim did not hear him, did not hear anything but the pounding of her heart. She did not want this.

Before she knew what was happening, Orion turned to her, holding a ring in his palm. With no way out, Primrose turned to face him, taking hold of the ring that Loysa gave her. Orion's voice droned in her ears as he said his vows, something about promising to cherish and love the woman before him. Primrose would never promise such a thing. Her skin turned cold as Orion slipped the ring onto her tattoed finger. When it was her turn, Primrose repeated nothing, she simply waited until the end. Until all she had to do was say those dreaded two words. With such haste, she slid the ring onto Orion's finger, ignoring how her eyes pricked and stung as she did so.

With as much strength as she could muster, Primrose said all that was left to say, "I do."

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