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Amren and Varian had done an amazing job at restoring Velaris. Not many people had been hurt, but the buildings had been burnt and torn down. There was still some reconstruction that needed doing, but everyone who lost something had been rehomed, given a second chance. The River Estate was now full with the inner circle, the members of the other courts having gone home. Primrose and Orion had put their belongings into the space, enabling it to pass easily between two places. Everyone was waiting within the sitting room, giving their best smiles despite the situation.

Just as they were about to enter, Primrose gripped Orion's hand, pulling him to the side. She met his eyes, that beautiful Sidra blue that was so distinctly a part of the Night Court. "Are you sure?" she whispered, squeezing his palm, "I won't judge you if you want to stay. We can make it work long distance."

She didn't know if she'd be able to take it, weeks maybe even months away from her mate. But, if it meant he could stay with his family, stay within his court, she'd try to cope. They could see each other often, winnowing in seconds and still speaking in their minds. But, it just wouldn't be the same without him by her side.

He gripped her chin, pressing his lips to hers. "Don't be silly," he whispered against her mouth, "It's us, dearest. It's us against the world."

She wanted to cry at those words, at this male before her who she loved so much. "Okay," she nodded, "Let's do this then."

With Orion leading her forward, they entered the sitting room, all eyes on them as they stood before everyone. Nova was sat in Feyre's lap, both females with tears in their eyes. No one knew what to say, and she didn't blame them, she didn't know either. It was Elain who stood, Leo in her arms as she moved toward Prim, passing the babe over. She took him gratefully, holding him to her chest and bathing in the weight of him against her. She pressed a kiss to his head, "I'm going to miss you, buddy."

Elain grinned, moving to the side and gathering something, holding it behind her back, "He has a gift for you."

She held out a pot, inside sat a small white flower, a primrose. The High Lady chuckled, "A great choice, very fitting."

"We thought it could be the first flower in your new garden," Elain explained, "I really can't wait to see what you two do with the place."

Orion took the pot, pressing a kiss to his aunt's cheek and stroking Leo's small head of hair. With Elain taking Leo, the pair stepping back, Orion and Prim broke off, each going to a different person to say their goodbyes. Orion stood with his Aunt Nesta and Uncle Cassian while Prim moved to Nova, the small fae practically jumping into her arms. Prim spun, holding tight to her and smiling at Feyre as she nodded in their direction.

"Sweetheart," Prim whispered, Nova lifting her head curiously, "I know this seems sad right now, but soon you can visit, you can have your own room. Would you like that?"

Nova nodded, tears spilling over her cheeks, "I love you, Prim. I don't want you to leave."

"You'll see me soon, I promise," Prim insisted, "And I love you too, baby girl. I love you so much. You're my little sister, now, you're in my heart always."

She hated that she had to let go, that she couldn't hold her forever. Nova touched the floor, a sad look on her face as she turned away, trailing after Orion who was now talking to Azriel. Prim moved to Mor, the blonde sat drinking wine, watching the scene before her. Prim slid into the seat beside her, accepting the wine as she passed it across. She sipped, its taste rich on her tongue, "I'd just like to thank you for your kindness, even when I didn't deserve it."

Morrigan blinked, and Prim knew that Loysa hadn't told her about the dress. Some things were better kept under wraps, she decided, passing the glass back, "What I mean is... you were accepting of me from the very start. I'll never forget that."

Mor nodded, setting her palm on Prim's knee, "Of course. I'm glad that you and Orion have each other now. You'll make each other very happy, no matter where you are."

She smiled, giving Mor a swift hug before she was up again. Quick goodbyes were said to Nesta and Cassian before she was turning to Feyre and Rhys, the High Lady's hands cupped over her son's cheeks. Primrose moved forward, taking the plant pot from Orion so he could hold his mother properly. Nova was pressed against her uncle, watching her brother and parents as she wiped at the tears on her cheeks. Cassian had a hand on her shoulder, comforting her as they stood together.

"I'll see you soon," Orion whispered, letting Feyre press a kiss to his forehead. When she stepped away, moving to Prim's side and allowing her to wrap an arm around her, Orion turned to his father. The room turned tense watching the two High Lords stare at each other. It was Rhys who moved first, arms open as Orion slid forward, allowing his father to engulf him.

There was nothing awkward about it as they patted each other on the back, Orion's head resting on his father's shoulder, "I'm going to miss you, Dad."

Rhys smiled, violet eyes shining, "Me too, son. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. When your mother got pregnant, it was a miracle like no other. I'm blessed to have you in my life, Orion, and I'm sorry if I haven't always acted like it."

Orion smiled, pulling away to look at him, "It's okay, being High Lord is hard, having a kid to deal with at the same time must have been tricky."

Rhys chuckled, "Perhaps you'll realise that sometime soon."

Orion shot a look to her and she let out a chuckle, cheeks burning, "Not too soon."

Laughter filled the room, loosening the tight knot in her stomach as Orion turned back to his father. "I love you too," he smiled, reaching over to ruffle Nova's hair, "Look after this one for me?"

Rhys winked at his daughter, "Always."

Orion moved away, joining Prim's side as she hugged Feyre, whispering into her ear as she held her mother-in-law tight, "Don't worry, I'll look after him."

She let out a sob as she pulled away, pressing kisses to her cheeks before returning to her husband's side. Primrose could see it, the parts of this woman her father had fallen for once upon a time. Feyre Acheron was truly brilliant.

Taking her hand, Orion looked to her, words passing between them, Ready?

She looked over the faces of the people before her, missing them already. She looked to her mate, chin nodding slowly, I'm ready.

He turned, waving at Nova who was already waving her little palm in their direction. "To be continued," he smiled, squeezing Prim's hand and winnowing them on the spot.

Winds of Fire [ACOTAR]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant