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The sound of Orion's voice had Prim fighting against Eris's restraints. In the room, she could also hear Rhysand and Beron speaking back and forth at one another. They had come to bargain her release no doubt, but Prim did not want them to make rash decisions just for her. She could handle herself.

"Helion is a dear friend of mine, of my court as a whole. It is not my fault that the entirety of Prythian found out Lucien was his. You brought the solar and seasonal courts into this, into a war just because everyone knows your wife loves another more than you?" chuckled Rhys, a small growl slipping from Eris's lips as he listened.

Beron shot back a response almost immediately, "She is an embarrassment to me now. I will not be treated like such a fool by the entire continent. Though, surely you cannot relate to that? A whore for a wife and a whore for a daughter-in-law."

Prim started to thrash, pushing against Eris with her legs and trying to create noise that would tell Orion she was there. Eris's hand dropped Prim's arms, reaching up to squeeze her throat, her knees dropping to the floor as she struggled to breathe, his other hand covering her mouth and squeezing her nose shut.

"Primrose has done nothing!" Orion snapped, his voice echoing, "She is one of the sweetest people and you take her to torture me? Take me instead. Just let her go, she has no place in this."

Prim's eyes were fluttering from the lack of oxygen, but she could still hear Beron's laugh, "If you do not want her back, my son will gladly use her to his advantages. A beautiful woman like Primrose? I'm sure he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her."

Eris swept Prim up into his arms, letting her head loll back over his shoulder as she gasped for air. He shoved the door open, carrying Prim into the hall, "Quite right father, though she is a feisty little thing!"

A set of guards moved into place as Eris dropped Prim to the floor, a smack filling the hall as she landed, curling into a ball and coughing. Prim could hear shouts, could make out her name over the ringing in her ears. Her eyes peeled back and she looked across the room at Orion, his face lined with concern, his lips forming her name. Orion. Something snapped tight in her, something that was pulling her toward him, focusing on his voice. She rolled back, sitting up on her arms and meeting Orion's eyes despite the line of guards between them. She saw it in his eyes, in that beautiful sidra blue.

"Orion," she breathed, her voice hoarse. She reached a hand out to him, only to be pulled up by Eris who gripped her hair.

"So," Eris started, pressing kisses down Prim's jaw, "What are you willing to trade in exchange for your little plaything?"

Rhys grabbed Orion's arm to pull him back, but Orion was already speaking, "We'll withdraw! We'll withdraw from the war. Withdraw from Helion's side."

"Orion," Rhysand hissed, his brows furrowed.

Prim couldn't allow them to withdraw just for her sake, not after everything that had already given up. There was only one choice left, and it was up to Primrose to make things right. She would save herself, it was the only option. Before she could change her mind, Prim spun around to face Eris, his eyes looking at her curiously. Lifting her skirt, Prim slipped the dagger from her thigh and plunged it into Eris's chest. Twisting it slightly, Prim pulled it out, staggering back as Eris looked down at the blood flowering on his shirt.

Prim allowed the dagger to clatter to the floor as a cry erupted across the hall. Beron was looking in their direction, his eyes wide as he took in his son. Primrose did not have to look to know that Orion was fighting to get to her, a hand closing around her wrist and pulling her away as the guards closed in. An arm slipped around her waist and they were running, pushing past the guards that stood at the entrance and rushing out into the hall. Ahead of her was Rhysand, leading the way toward the front of the manor. Orion was the one at Prim's side, slowing down so he could stay with her as they ran forward. Her legs ached and each lunge forward was a challenge, Orion mainly pulling her as they went.

"I can't," Prim breathed, "I'm so tired..."

Orion stopped, quickly scooping Prim into his arms, "I've got you, it's okay."

She let her head rest against his chest, her arms draped around his shoulders as he launched into a run after his father. The pounding of guards feet echoed down the corridor as Rhys flung open the main doors and ran out, winnowing away almost immediately. As soon as they were out they would be able to winnow, they would be safe as long as they got passed the front doors. But that didn't really matter to Prim, she now knew she would be safe as long as she was in Orion's arms. Her Orion.

Prim's eyes began to close from exhaustion, but not before she saw Orion pass the doors, the feeling of weightlessness greeting them as he winnowed. Before Orion could even connect his feet with the foyer of the River Estate, Prim let herself go, the sweet nothingness of unconsciousness taking over. 

Even in the darkness, she could still make out the blue of her mate's eyes.

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