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Prim had not brought many books with her from Rosehall, and within the week that she had been in the Night Court, she had already read them all. It had taken her almost fifteen minutes to find a bookstore within the streets of Velaris, eventually finding a small secondhand one tucked away between two bigger stores. As soon as she pushed open the shop door, a gentle ringing sound filled the room. Prim noticed as she shut it behind her, that the old lady at the desk had turned to wave at her. Prim waved awkwardly back, disappearing between the shelves. It smelt of old books and parchment, but not in a bad way. In fact, it was one of her favourite scents. It reminded her of the library back in Rosehall. She would often find herself putting her nose between the pages of books and breathing deeply, simply to inhale the scent. It was rather weird if she thought about it. The bookstore had three isles of books, all filled and stacked fully with books. Prim could hear the shuffle of feet, it was likely there were only a handful of people in the store.

She had ventured to the final isle after roaming each shelf before it, beneath her arm were three novels she had planned to buy. She was currently reading the synopsis of another, a romance that seemed rather out of her comfort zone. She liked branching out every once and a while. Usually, she would read sweet fluffy romances, ones that usually took place between Prince and Princesses and such. This one most definitely did not. Prim flipped the book over to look at the cover once more as someone slid up beside her, peering over her shoulder, "That's a good one, I've read it a few times."

Prim found herself blushing as she pushed the book to her chest, turning to see who had spoken. It was Nesta, her arms full with books and her hair down around her shoulders. She looked very beautiful with her hair down. "Nesta," Prim gasped, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"No need to blush," Nesta smirked, "The number of times I've been teased for reading erotic novels as made me immune to the embarrassment. Not that we should be embarrassed."

Primrose wished Nesta would stop talking, or at least stop talking so loud. "Right," Muttered Prim, putting the book under her arm with the others, "I don't usually read books like that though."

Nesta just chuckled knowingly, "Of course not. Well, it's nice to know someone else who values reading. Everyone else seems to be rather illiterate."

Prim just smiled, not knowing what else to say, "Yes, but I suppose they are rather busy with... everything that goes on between the courts."

Nodding slowly, Nesta moved in closer to Prim, whispering gently, "Right, especially with the Autumn Court rumours. Tomorrow there's a meeting between the solar courts."

Prim raised her eyebrows, "There is? I didn't know that."

"Azriel was on his way to tell Orion this morning," She confirmed, "I suppose you must have missed him."

"Yes, probably. Will you be attending?" Prim asked, beginning to move toward the counter with her books.

Nesta nodded, following Prim with her own books and reaching into her bag for some money, "Yes, someone has to keep my husband in check."

Prim couldn't help but laugh, Nesta smirking at her as they set their books down on the counter. Prim tried to protest as Nesta passed the lady money for both of them, Nesta simply ignoring her and bagging the items into two separate bags. Prim held the door open for Nesta as they left the shop, standing awkwardly outside the shop together. The River Estate and the House of Wind were in two different directions, and as Prim began to move, Nesta called out to her.

"It's not a secret that my husband is... biased. Tamlin did a lot of nasty things to the people he loved and he has taken that out on you. I spoke with him the other day and it's clear he's going to give you a chance. Though he is still rather stubborn so I'm apologizing on his behalf."

Prim chuckled, "It's fine, honestly. I understand. I would have been more surprised if no one had reacted at my presence. It was expected."

"Illyrian males!" Nesta sighed, "They're all the same, Prim. All so dramatic and stubborn. Even my son, he definitely gets his attitude from his father."

Prim noticed how Nesta smiled as she mentioned her son, and was bitterly jealous of that. Whether Nesta noticed the change in Prim she did not show it, just patted the redhead on the shoulder and waltzed off with her bag of books. Prim wondered what her life had truly been like, if she had enjoyed her life before coming to the Night Court, if she had expected herself to marry and have children with an Illyrian warrior. If she was in control of every itty bitty detail. Prim knew that she wasn't, but that she was still able to move on and be happy despite it. Prim hoped that one day she could do the same.

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