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Eris wasn't holding her tight enough to hurt, but he was holding her tight enough that she couldn't pull away. The feel of his fingers on her throat was like acid on her skin, she longed to remove it, to scrub the area where they had once been. Primrose could feel the warmth of his breath against her hair, could smell the obnoxiously strong cologne he wore. Orion met Prim's eyes, his face wholly pale.

"Let her go, Eris." Rhysand deadpanned, as if he was simply unamused by the whole situation.

Prim gave a short gasp as Eris's arms tightened around her. Pushing out with her elbows, Eris didn't even react as she slammed them into his ribs and sides. It wasn't until he gripped her throat fully with his hand, fingers crushing into her windpipes, that she realised how truly fucked she was.

"Hurt her and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth," Orion snapped, beginning to struggle against his holds once more.

The laugh that slipped between Eris's teeth was more of a cackle, "I didn't expect for you to care for her so much. Perhaps I'll keep her just to make you suffer."

Eris's fingers reached up to touch Prim's jaw, his fingertips digging into her cheek as his thumb brushed her bottom lip. Pulling her head away so his thumb slipped, Prim let out a yelp as Eris tugged her head back, her neck fully exposed as he pulled on her hair. She would have shifted, would have used her lion teeth to tear Eris to pieces had she not been so tired. The last shift had taken a lot out of her, she hadn't even realised how much as she tried to reach out and grab hold of that power within her.

"Beron," Feyre started, stepping forward so the other High Lord could see her, "Primrose belongs to us, she is a part of our court. If you do not return her to us we will have to use force."

"A part that you merely bargained for," Beron chuckled, "I'm sure Primrose doesn't even want to be a part of your Court. What would Tamlin say if he was here?"

"You do not speak for me and you do not speak of my father!" Prim hissed, Eris moving to cup his hand over her mouth. It was then that Prim grew utterly tired of this, pushing out with her elbows, feet, knees, trying to pull herself free. She swung her head back, connecting with Eris's nose. Despite his bleeding nose, Eris gripped Prim's shoulders, pushing her to the floor and kneeling on her back, pinning her hands behind her. Mud coated Prim's cheeks as she laid on the ground, her arms aching as they were pulled back, her head pounding.

Prim hadn't realised that the noise during her escape attempt had been the others trying to get to her. Like Orion, Azriel was now being held back by guards, Mor had a cut along her cheek as she sat on her knees, a dagger to her exposed neck.

"We're not leaving here without her, and I assure you if you so much as lay another finger on my Court, you won't be leaving here either." Rhysand snapped, eyeing the dagger on Mor, and the soldiers holding both Orion and Az.

"Just go," Prim sighed, her chest aching as it pressed into the ground, "I'm not worth the struggle."

"Why don't I take her off your hands? Give you something less to worry about." Eris chuckled, reaching to stroke the back of Prim's head, his fingers tangling in her hair.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" Orion yelled, turning to look at his father, "Can't you do something? She's my wife!"

"I wouldn't worry Orion," Rhys smirked, "The Autumn Court men can never keep women for very long."

A tough blow, one that Primrose wouldn't see the result of. Eris's hand gripped the back of her neck, and they winnowed. The grass beneath her was taken away, replaced with stone as Eris dragged her upright. They were no longer in the war camp, no longer in the Dawn Court. Prim scrubbed at the mud on her cheek, pushing Eris away from her and smacking his hand off her neck. 

"Where the hell are we?" She snapped, quickly trying to winnow back to the Night Court with no avail. Wherever they were had been spelled, likely so only certain people could winnow in and out.

Tugging her elbow, Eris pushed Primrose forward, they were in a stone hallway, lit candles upon each wall to emit light into the dim space. His hand drifted to the small of her back and Prim scowled, pulling away and stopping in her tracks as Eris tried to force her onward. 

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where we are!" She repeated, crossing her hands stubbornly over her chest and leaning against the wall.

Eris considered her for a moment, moving slowly toward her and placing his hands either side of her head. Prim kept her head high as he stared down at her. "The Autumn Court, Primrose." He told her, "And I'd get comfy if I was you."

"You don't frighten me," Prim smirked as she watched Eris walk off down the hall, quickly following after him. There had to be a way out somewhere, and she was going to find it. As she rounded a corner, Prim froze.

On each side of the hall were cells upon cells upon cells. A prison. Before she could step back, Eris was by her side, cupping her cheeks with his rough palms, "Are you frighted now?"

In one sweep, Eris lifted Primrose from the ground, shoving her over his shoulder. Pounding against his back and chest, Prim struggled to get free as Eris walked her over to one of the cells, pulling open the barred door. "If you weren't such a brat, I wouldn't have to use you to prove a point." He told her, putting her down on the cold cell floor.

Prim's hands smacked down onto the floor to support herself. Looking up at Eris, Prim let out a breathy chuckle, "And what point is that?"

Eris slammed the cell, grabbing a set of keys from his pocket and shoving one into the lock. The click of it rung in Prim's ears. Crouching, Eris looked at Prim through the bars as he slid the keys back into his pocket, "The Autumn Court always win."

Watching as Eris left, Prim slipped a hand under her dress. Her dagger was still attached to the strap on her thigh, she would just have to figure out when was best to use it.

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