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The Winter Court was everything Primrose expected and more. It was a wonderland of snow and evergreen trees. Utterly unlike the Illyrian mountains that were cold and icy and bitter. She almost wanted to roll in it, to feel the soft balls of snow forming in her palm, feel the kiss of snowflakes on her cheeks. Everything was covered in white, pearly and pure and wholly perfect. She loved the way her nose and ears stung, the way her boots melted beneath the fluffy snow lining the streets, and even didn't mind how her hands and knees were bright red from the cold.

After staying at the Summer Court for lunch, per Cresseida's invitation, the trio of Night Court ladies were now trudging up the steps of the Winter Court palace. Feyre trusted Mor's friendship with Viviane to get them inside without question, and as the blonde stood at the door, speaking to whoever was on the other side, Feyre was right. The door swung open and Mor moved, beckoning Prim and Feyre after her into the warmth. As she entered, stepping into the threshold, it was like being wrapped up in a blanket. Mor walked ahead with a white-haired man, leading them through the palace and supposed toward the High Lord and Lady. Prim remained at Feyre's side, silently admiring the beauty of the palace as they walked through the halls.

Kallias and Viviane were in their sitting room, sat before the roaring hearth and sipping at cups of tea. Putting her tea on the table before her, Viviane sprung up, arms out, and engulfed Mor in a tight hug. Kallias stood up behind, narrowing his eyes at Primrose and Feyre as they moved to greet him.

"Feyre Archeron," he deadpanned, eyebrows raised, "And..."

"Primrose Daley," Prim stated, putting out her hand, to which Kallias did not shake. So, that was how it was going to be. From what Mor had said, Kallias and Viviane were some of the kinder leaders - right now, Primrose only agreed with the latter of that statement.

"Tamlin's spawn. So it's true then, the Night Court has a new member?" Kallias asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking at his wife who conversed loudly with Morrigan. Primrose understood, she had never branched out to anything and had only just become her own person. Of course, they would just see her as Tamlin's child.

"It is," Prim confirmed, chin raised as she looked down her nose at the High Lord before her, "Is that a problem?"

Kallias tensed, looking at Primrose thoughtfully before he smirked, "Not at all. Take a seat."

Mor moved first, pulling Vivianne with her and taking a seat at the end of the sofa, Vivianne seated beside her husband and mate. Feyre hooked her arm in Prim's, leading her to the other end and facing the Winter Court Lord and Lady.

"I'm sure it's no question why we're here," Feyre started, "Let's skip all the unimportant questions and back and forths. Join us, Kallias. Join our side."

Kallias looked to his wife, who simply nodded, turning to Feyre, "We see your need. We see your hurt. Mor has told me everything. I think we should help them, Kal."

"We don't want your pity," insisted Feyre, "but I'm telling you this because it's the truth. My sister lost her son because of this, and my other sister just gave birth - Both she and her newborn are vulnerable and I cannot afford to lose them. I will not beg for you to help me or my mate. I will beg you, instead, for the innocent lives that could be taken, for my sister and nephew. My family."

Kallias nodded slowly, "I never did like Beron..."

Her veins turned to fire, a luscious flame that lit her up and made her utterly warm inside. Primrose smirked, "So is that a yes? You'll join us?"

Despite everyone looking at Kallias, he looked to his wife, his mate in all of this and the person who had stood by his side through everything. Primrose had heard the tale of how she waited for him all those long years and had married him in an instant. "Viv? What do you think?"

Viviane's porcelain features flushed with pure happiness, "We'd love to."

Mor squealed with delight, "I knew we could count on you! And you don't need to worry, I can stay here and help you arrange everything. Thank you so much, guys."

Feyre blinked, turning to the blonde, "You're staying here?"

She nodded, "It makes sense. They trust me, rightly so. And I can explain everything and bring them to the mountains in a few days time."

"We'll look after her," Viviane chuckled, resting her head on Mor's shoulder, "Will yourself and Primrose be okay returning alone?"

Feyre took Prim's hand in her own, a gentle warmth that was utterly welcoming. "Of course," she smiled, "We'll be heading back to the River Estate to collect a few things before leaving for the mountains."

With parting words and well wishes, Kallias, Mor and Viviane bided Feyre and Primrose goodbye, watching as they winnowed on the palace doorstep. As they hit the familiar floor of the River Estate, Prim looked around curiously while Feyre disappeared upstairs. As she walked, she expected to see Elain and Azriel around every corner, holding Leo or watching him as he wriggled around upon a rug. She stuck her head into the dining room, expecting to find Amren with a glass of wine in hand. Nothing. Perhaps, they were all upstairs.

Prim started to turn, planning on heading upstairs when she caught a look out the window. Smoke. There was a trail of smoke rising. Rushing toward the front door, Prim swung it open, looking out at the destruction incasing her city. Buildings crumbled as Rose Manor had been, smoke and fire and blood. "Feyre!" Prim called, slamming the door and running upstairs.

"I can't find Elain, Az or Leo," Feyre cried, having likely already seen the state outside.

Prim gripped her hands, pulling her close, "I'm sure they already got out, I'm sure they're fine."

She wasn't sure of anything, but she could hope.

Before Prim could tell Feyre to calm down and collect her things, Feyre took Prim's hands in a death grip and they winnowed at once. Hissing as she fell against the cold snow, Primrose shivered against the force of the winnow rocking through her. Feyre was already moving toward a group of Illyrians as Primrose stood, turning to find Lyra and Scarlet's cabin close by. As Prim moved quickly toward it, Orion and Rhysand burst out the front door.

"You're here," Orion beamed, his grin no longer enough to settle the fear that rose in her. He looked handsome as ever in his gear, but she couldn't even take a moment to truly take him in.

"Are they here? Please tell me they're here," Primrose cried, her hands fisting in Orion's shirt as he reached her side.

"Who?" asked Rhys, noticing his wife a few feet away, trudging through the snow. Prim held tighter to Orion, his eyes wide and wary.

"Elain and Azriel," said Feyre, distress clear in her wide eyes and pale cheeks, "Velaris... They attacked Velaris."

Rhys and Orion's face both dropped, blinking as they took in the news. Their family - missing. The youngest of their family. "Leo," Orion muttered, hands reaching for Prim's waist to center himself against her.

"No," Rhys choked, "No, they're not here..."

The four of them turned at once, scanning the surrounding area just in case they were hidden in broad daylight. Everything seemed normal, or familiar at least. There was nothing normal about three different courts sharing one space, soon to be five. Primrose was about to suggest they go back to Velaris when a scream sounded in the distance, a yell of help.

"Elain!" Feyre yelled in return, and they all shot off into a run.

Everything was a mass of mountain, snow, and soldiers. There was no Elain, no Azriel, and no Leo. But that had been her voice, Prim was sure of it. As they ran, feet deep in the snow, another voice broke out against the mass of white.

"Over here! Someone help!"

Primrose would recognise that voice anywhere, "Daddy?!"

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