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The emergency meeting had been postponed till the next morning, Tamlin needed time to recover from the injuries he had sustained from the attack and Prim was simply too upset to think clearly. She had gone back to the House of Wind to sleep and arrived back along with Orion for breakfast. Prim had hardly been able to eat anything while Tamlin and Rhys spoke of what they would mention in the meeting. Thesan and Helion were due shortly and sooner that Prim would have liked, it was time for another meeting.

She walked silently beside Orion as they went into the meeting room. She felt completely drained, and the small comfort of Orion with his hand on the small of her back was the only thing keeping her attached to the real world. The room was already full, Prim and Orion being the last to enter and sliding in between Tamlin and Amren. Prim hadn't spoken to her father since yesterday, she hoped he wasn't mad at her but she was too afraid to ask. Orion nonchalantly rested his palm of Prim's thigh as they sat.

"It's good to see you weren't injured in yesterdays attack, Tamlin," Helion said, looking to the Lord of Spring who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.

"Yes, but I am not here to accept your condolences for my court, I am here to find out how this happened." He snapped, his voice shuddering through Prim like thunder.

"Anyone could have overheard us, Tamlin. And it is hardly news, Primrose has been allied with the Night Court since her and Orion's marriage, has she not?" Thesan offered, folding his arms and leaning them upon the table.

"Not exactly," sighed Feyre, "She could have gone back to the Spring Court and we wouldn't have stopped her. She pledged her loyalty to us during an upcoming war. It's different."

The room went quiet and Prim could feel the tensity in the air. She had caused it. Her father probably hated her for this, for making such a poor decision.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, feeling everyone look to her, "I wasn't thinking about what would happen, I just... I wanted to do something good. I wanted to help."

"You did." It was Cassian, smiling at her, "This isn't your fault, Primrose."

"Tamlin," started Helion, "Do you have anything to say to your daughter?"

Orion's hand tightened on her thigh and she knew that whatever her father was about to say, he would be here for her, comforting her through it. Tamlin turned slowly, looking into his daughter's glossy eyes. Prim's throat was tighter than ever, tears threatening to spill any second.

"I thought you were smarter than this, Primrose." He said, no hint of emotion to his voice, "I'm not angry at you, I'm just disappointed. I'm really disappointed in you, Prim."

"You don't get to talk to her like that!" Mor snapped, taking in the tears that streamed down Prim's cheeks.

Orion stood, pulling Prim up with him and wrapping his arm around her waist, "Come on, you don't have to listen to this."

Prim would have gone quietly, would have taken the comfort of Orion's arms and left. But she would not be silenced. She would not become the little wife who would be led away. Prim turned back toward her father, Orion stopping at her side supportingly.

"I did something good. You don't get to decide whether it was right or wrong. I am apart of this court now, and I did something good." she cried, not caring if she looked weak to the other High Lords. She would hold her head high and watch the tears fall from her chin if need be.

Tamlin chuckled, "They've poisoned you, Primrose."

"No," she sighed, "No, daddy, they haven't. I love it here. I love having people who would fight for me instead of shutting me down. You should be proud of me, not disappointed."

"Can we talk in private?" Tamlin asked, standing up from his seat.

"She doesn't have to listen to anything you have to say." snapped Orion, standing slightly in front of Prim so her father couldn't reach her.

Prim touched Orion's arm, offering him a gentle smile, "It's okay, we'll just be outside."

Orion looked at her, moving to tuck a piece of hair behind her hair before he turned away, watching Tamlin's every step as he advanced Prim. The two of them headed out into the hall, Tamlin closing the door behind them.

"I hate arguing with you, Prim." he sighed, taking his daughter's hand and squeezing it gently.

"Then don't!" She cried, "I don't understand why you're so upset, can't you just fight with us?"

"Us..." he chuckled, "You truly are a part of the Night Court, aren't you?"

Prim nodded, her brows furrowed, "I am. As your daughter, you should respect that, this was your idea in the first place."

"I made a mistake in making the bargain," he muttered, "I just wanted to protect you."

"I know, Daddy," she sighed, "Bring the Spring Court soldiers and fight alongside the solar courts with me. You can keep me safe."

"Don't you get it?" he asked, "There are no soldiers. It was why I made the bargain in the first place. We lost everything after Amarantha and Hybern."

"Then what are you going to do?" she whispered, already knowing the answer.

"I'm going to go find Lucien, he can help stop this, I know he can," Tamlin explained, watching Prim's face drop.

"You're leaving?" she asked, her voice wobbling slightly, "You said yesterday that you would never leave me."

Tamlin took his daughter's face in his hands, stroking her wet cheeks, "I'm sorry, if there was any other way-"

"There is! Stay here, stay with me. I need you, Daddy." she cried out, tears streaming down her face once more.

"You know I can't," he breathed, and Prim pulled away from him.

She wrapped her arms around herself, biting down on her lip and welcoming the pain that came. "You're a coward," she snapped, "You're running away from this!"

"Prim, please-" he begged, stepping toward her, only for Prim to step back.

"No!" she yelled, her voice echoing in the hallway, "Why are you doing this? What about me?"

Tamlin shook his head slowly, "You're not a child anymore, Prim."

"Leave then," she hissed, "Just go."

Tamlin watched his daughter, the way she stood with her chin held high and insisted he leave. She would not change her mind. Tamlin moved slowly, brushing past Prim as he passed her to leave the hall. She heard the lack of footsteps as he winnowed away. Her bottom lip was wobbling as she tried not to cry. She had already cried too many tears.

The meeting door creaked open and Prim turned her back on Orion as he came into the corridor, "Primrose?"

"Don't." she snapped, her voice coming out hoarse and weak.

"Prim," he repeated, "Are you okay?"

Prim slowly spun around, facing him and shaking her head. She simply burst into tears, "No."

Orion rushed forward at once, engulfing Prim in a tight hug, his arms wrapping around her waist. Prim moved her arms up around his shoulders, burying her head into his neck. He held her, stroking her back with one hand and whispering that it was okay into her ear. She was so beyond lucky to have him as a friend - a husband, yes, but a friend too.

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