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Prim awoke the next morning with a startling gasp. If her night of crying, laying numbly awake and heart-aching nightmares hadn't been enough, she was now being woken up against her will. The morning sun shone in through her curtains, outlining the body of someone. There was someone on the bed beside her touching her cheek gently to wake her up. Pulling the covers tightly around her, Prim was more aware of her nakedness as her eyes focused on the person before her. Nova Archeron. The young girl was wearing a more casual outfit, a blue t-shirt with butterflies on and some leggings. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and a large grin stretched over her face.

"N-Nova? What are you doing?" Prim yawned, moving to sit up while keeping the covers up against her bare skin. The little girl was completely unaware of her nakedness and she planned on keeping it that way.

"Well it's Sunday and I always have breakfast with Orion on Sunday. He said you hadn't woke up yet so here I am; waking you up and inviting you to join us for breakfast!" she explained with far too much enthusiasm.

"I- um, I don't know sweetie," Prim sighed, rubbing her cheek and noticing the pigment that came away on her fingers. Her makeup.

Nova jumped down from the bed, spinning toward Prim with a pout. "Please, Primrose!" she begged, "Orion is so boringgg!"


Orion's voice echoed through the house, Nova giggling at her older brother. Prim found herself smiling at the girl before her, her sister in law she supposed. She had never had a sister, never had any siblings. She liked Nova, and she wanted a relationship with her. Her own relationship with Orion would not ruin that.

Primrose lent back against the bed's headboard, "Fine, give me twenty minutes to get ready?"

Nova nodded, jumping up and down excitedly before turning and leaving with a large grin. Primrose listened as she hummed to herself, the gentle tune fading as she left the hall. Flinging the covers off to reveal her body, Prim climbed out of bed, moving to lock the door. Her floor was still scattered with boxes and Prim opened the closest one to her, digging through it for anything she could wear. After a few more boxes were discarded onto the floor, Prim had obtained undergarments and a simple dress that would do for the occasion.

Moving into the bathroom, Prim was sure to scrub all the makeup from her skin before tying her hair up into a braid. She looked at herself in the reflection. She looked truly exhausted. Eyeliner still stuck around her eyes, only pronouncing her eye bags even more so. The freckles on her cheeks stood out against blotched skin and her lips were incredibly chapped. The green of her dress matched well with her hair but managed to make her skin look a weird colour. Or perhaps, it was just the lighting. Perhaps, it was being here as a whole that made her feel completely out of tune with who she was.

Grabbing the cardigan she had left on the bed, Primrose pulled that on as she slipped her feet into her slippers. It was far colder here in the Night Court than it was back in Spring. She wrapped the cardigan around her as she left her room, following the hall to the grand staircase. Nova came rushing into the foyer as she heard Prim's steps, grabbing the elder girl's hand and pulling her into the dining room. A table much like the one in the river estate was set out before her. Upon it was every breakfast food you could imagine, as well as all the spreads and toppings. Orion was sat in one of the chairs, dressed simply in black trousers and a navy blue sweater. His hair hung down into his eyes and he looked up at Nova and Prim as they entered.

"I'm sitting with Primrose," Nova announced, a proud smile on her face. Prim just chuckled and took a seat, the furthest from Orion, and watched as Nova piled in the seat beside her.

"Do you like pancakes or waffles more?" Nova asked, scooping both of them onto her own plate and covering them with chocolate sauce. Primrose noticed how Orion was only eating cereal, ignoring the sweet treats before him. So he was one of those people, Prim thought.

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