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After such a long day yesterday, Prim had spent most of the day in bed, skipping breastfast with Nova and Orion and reading by herself. She had decided she would go out for lunch, explore the city by herself a little more. She didn't want to rely on her husband's family for everything. As she slipped on a cloak over her clothes, hopeful to avoid the light rain with her hood, she could hear voices downstairs. Nova had already been picked up by her parents and so as far as Prim knew, only Orion and Loysa were home. As she made her descendant down the stairs, she recognised the two voices to be masculine.

"I just don't know why you agreed to this whole thing, you can say no too, it's not just up to her," snapped a voice Prim recognised, but couldn't quite name.

It was Orion who spoke next, his voice thick with exhaustion, "I know, I just- I thought she would try. I've been trying, Uncle Cassian, I'm the only one putting in effort."

Prim came to a stop outside the room, listening to Orion and Cassian from beside the door. She kept her breathing shallow, not wanting to alert them to her presence. They were talking about her, that much was clear.

"And you haven't slept together yet?" Cassian asked, Prim could practically hear the smirk that formed on his lips.

Prim hid her disgust, her palm covering her mouth as she listened. She didn't quite know why she bothered, she supposed she just hoped that Orion would at least stand up for her.

"No," Orion replied, "Though if it were up to me, I would have fucked her on our wedding night."

Cassian let out a laugh and Primrose felt physically sick, not even realising that she had stepped forward into sight before it was too late. Orion stood up rapidly from where he was sitting, noting the gloss in Prim's eyes. Cassian had stopped laughing.

"Primrose I-"

"Fuck you," she snapped, turning immediately and rushing from the house. Orion followed her to the door, apologies rolling from his tongue though they truly meant nothing. She lifted her hood, holding the cloak tightly around her and running off into Velaris.

She kept her head down as she moved, her eyes on her feet and the cobbles beneath them. She couldn't tell if the liquid on her cheeks was rain or tears. Though, if it was tears, she wasn't too sure why she was crying. She didn't like Orion, didn't like him like that either. It disgusted her how openly he spoke about her body, as if it was just some object to be fucked and used for pleasure. As if she was nothing more than his whore. She thought he had begun to change - perhaps that was just all for show.

Prim cried out as she crashed into someone, having not been looking where she was going. The person slipped their arm around her before she met the floor, the impact knocking her hood down. She saw soft brown eyes and golden hair, a rich red dress and a kind face. Morrigan.

Mor took Prim's hand in her own, looking at her with those doe-like eyes, "Prim? What are you doing out in the rain all by yourself?"

Prim looked around frantically, "I-um-"

She noticed Prim's red-rimmed eyes, the way her hand shook within Mor's, "Oh, sweetheart. Come with me, I know a place."

Prim nodded slowly and Mor put her arm around Prim's shoulders, pulling her into the nearest alleyway. They walked close to one another, Mor's warmth comforting Prim as she lent into her. Mor smiled sweetly, squeezing Prim's shoulder and leading her out of the alley and toward a secluded place of sorts. The sign on the outside said 'Rita's' and Prim couldn't tell if it was more of a restaurant or perhaps a bar or club. Either way, she followed Mor happily inside.

It was larger than Prim had expected, people filled the bar and most of the tables. Prim made sure to stay close to Mor as they weaved their way toward the bar where a barmaid stood smiling. Mor sat upon one of the bar stools, Prim taking up the seat beside her as she leaned forward, grinning her classic Mor grin at the barmaid.

"Hey Tessa, two beers please-" Mor shot her head quickly to Prim, "You drink beer right?"

Prim had never had a beer in her life. "Sure."

Mor turned to Tessa with a simple nod, the barmaid moving to collect two bottles. It was rather cold in here, and it stunk of alcohol. Prim was sure she could hear the beat of music from somewhere above her, as she searched the room she quickly found a staircase in the far corner leading upwards. Bar and club - Primrose confirmed. Mor lent her elbows down on the bar, turning to face Prim, her hair swinging off her shoulder as she did so.

Prim wondered if she knew about the incident with the dress. If she did, she didn't say anything. Instead, she kept her voice low and gentle as she spoke, "Did you want to talk about whatever's bothering you?"

Prim sighed, feeling a tightness in her throat that wasn't there before, "I feel like a fool..."

Mor inched forward, concern clear in her furrowed brows, "What happened?"

"It doesn't even matter, it was all a lie," Prim muttered, her voice hoarse. She played with her fingers, trying to distract herself from the fire that burned within.

"What was?" Mor asked, putting a comforting hand on Prim's arm.

"Orion he... He took me to dinner last night, he was kind and... well, earlier I heard him saying that he just wanted to sleep with me." She explained, watching the confusion and shock that became painted on Mor's face.

Mor shook her head rather aggressively, "No, I'm sure he was just saying that-"

Mor was Orion's aunt, of course, she would think that. Prim just wiped at her eyes, not wanting to be upset over him any longer.

"I hate him. I hate him so much." Prim sneered, just in time as Tessa set the beers down in front of them. Prim took hers immediately, popping off the cap and taking a swig. Mor was looking at her disapprovingly but Prim did not care anymore. The liquid was utterly bitter against her tongue, a taste she hadn't expected at all. It was rather disgusting.

When Prim put the bottle back down, Mor was smiling slightly. She took her beer, clinking it against Prim's before taking a long sip. Mor understood, and she would join her on this self-destructive drinking journey. Something told Prim that this was not the first time Morrigan had done this.

They had moved to a table within the next few hours, drinking new bottles of beers and sharing a basket of fries between them. Prim wasn't drunk, neither was Mor, but perhaps a little tipsy. Everything Mor said seemed to make her laugh, and Mor was positively glowing with happiness. She shot a smile at everyone who passed their table, most of them ignoring her and rolling their eyes which only made Prim laugh harder. It was when Mor's smile dropped into a pout that Prim turned to see who she was staring at. Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, had just entered.

Prim turned, but it was too late, Rhysand had spotted them and made his way over to their table. He stood with his hands folded across his chest, "Morrigan, Primrose."

"Hey, cousin!" Mor grinned, standing up and taking her beer with her. She moved round to Prim, bending down to whisper into her ear, "Good luck!"

Prim did not know what she had meant until Mor disappeared out the front door and Rhys took Mor's seat opposite Prim. He was smiling, stealing one of the fries before them.

"Did Orion send you?" Prim asked, setting her beer to the side.

Rhys shook his head, "Not exactly. I found you on my own accord because my son is worried. Will you come with me?"

"I'm not going back to the house of wind, I don't want to see him." Prim snapped, realising too late that she probably shouldn't be raising her voice at the High Lord.

"Who said anything about the house of wind?" Rhys chuckled, standing up and offering Prim his hand, "Trust me, Primrose."

Primrose did not trust him, not one bit. For some reason, pure insanity perhaps, Prim took Rhysand's hand and, upon contact, they winnowed. When her feet landed back on solid ground, Prim looked around quickly to see where he had taken her. She had been here before. He had taken her back to the River Estate where most of the Archeron's lived. Before Prim could ask why she was here, two arms found their way around Prim's waist and she looked down to find Nova, looking up at her with a wide smile. At least one Archeron sibling was happy to see her.

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