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She had debated putting it on, holding the gentle silky fabric in her palms. She held it before her, looking in the mirror and twirling the skirts. It was beyond beautiful, and she would not likely find another event to wear it to. Deciding that it was simply too pretty to put back in her wardrobe, Prim slipped on the dress her father had brought her as a birthday gift. The dusty pink corset pushed up her breasts, pastel green skirts flowing out from the waist with pink embroidered flowers. Adding additional makeup and pulling her wavy hair around her shoulders, Prim put her feet into a pair of cream heels before heading from her room.

As she turned to head down the staircase, she saw Orion waiting in the foyer. He was dressed simply in black trousers and a navy blue shirt. She couldn't help but notice his eyes go wide upon seeing her. She moved down the steps toward him, the sound of her beating heart far louder than the click of her heels. Orion held his hand out to her as she reached the bottom, "You look rather gorgeous, dearest."

Prim rolled her eyes, brushing past him and heading for the front door. The sound of Orion's chuckles filled the space between them as he came up behind her, holding the door open for her with a grin. She looked to him, one hand on the handle holding the door open for her and the other gesturing for her to go first. Prim moved in closer to him, whispering into his ear, "I still hate you. Nothing about this situation changes that."

The night court was bathed in the setting sun. Orion led the way to whichever restaurant he had booked, his hand occasionally brushing Prim's as they walked side by side. She rolled her eyes each time he attempted to take hold of her fingers. He was trying to make this work, but she couldn't just switch like that. Couldn't pretend to be happy and bathe in romance while she was beyond melancholy.

The restaurant they came to was impressive, to say the least. The door was held open for them as the slipped into the restaurant. The waiter greeted Orion, giving Prim a smile before he led the two of them to one of the more private tables for two. He held out the chair for Prim as she sat, Orion taking up the seat opposite her. Menus were given out and the waiter left, leaving Prim with only Orion for company. She leaned forward, taking a menu but watching Orion over the top of it, "Tell me why we're here, Orion."

"Can't I take my wife for dinner?" he smirked, not meeting Prim's eyes as he stared at the menu.

"Don't say that like it means something, it means nothing." She hissed, noticing how Orion's shoulders tensed.

Orion did not have the chance to respond as the waiter came back, taking their food and drink orders before disappearing once again. There were not too many people in the restaurant, it was clear Orion had picked one of the more expensive restaurants that Velaris had to offer. Its floor had rich red carpets, the chairs were made of thick black leather and the tables were marble. There was a gentle playing of instruments, followed by the hum of chatter. It was a nice atmosphere. Orion had picked a table near the window, the view of the sunset making Prim smile.

"Did you have a nice day at the Spring Court?" Orion asked, a small smile on his lips.

"Yes, thank you. I thought you wouldn't have let me leave..." She replied honestly, turning to face him. He looked different in the restaurant's light, his skin looked glowy and flawless. He looked rather beautiful.

"I will always let you leave, Prim." he sighed, "You may think I want to control you but that is not correct at all."

Prim nodded slowly, "Thank you for clearing that up for me."

Orion smiled, reaching forward to quickly brushing his thumb over the back of her hand, "You're welcome."

Prim leaned back, the warmth of Orion's fingers lingering like a rash. The waiter swooped in just on time, placing the plates and glasses down and leaving with nothing more than a smile. Prim took in the delicious smell of the food before her, the spices mixed in with the creamy sauce. She had ordered a mushroom curry, accompanied with potatoes and rice. Orion had ordered something simpler, fries with a mixture of different meats. Primrose herself did not eat meat, hadn't eaten it since she was twelve.

She was halfway through her meal when Orion set his fork down, clearing his throat and looking to her, "Do you truly hate me, Primrose?"

Prim reached forward for a sip of wine, looking at Orion with her eyebrows slightly raised, "Would you blame me if I did?"

"No," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Hate is a strong word, Orion." she sighed, offering him a smile, "While it is one I associate with your court, I do not associate it with you."

He plopped a fry into his mouth, thinking while he chewed. "But you used to?" He asked once his mouth was empty.

She nodded, stabbing her fork into a potato, "Yes. But you have given me a place here, you don't try and control me or tell me what to do, you even trust me around your little sister. I appreciate that."

The smile that he gave her made something twist in Prim's stomach, "Noted. Just so we're clear, I don't hate you either."

Finishing their meals in comfortable silence, Prim and Orion got their desserts to go and were off into the night sky. It was quieter than usual as they headed through the city, the night air was a little chilly on Prim's bare arms but she did not mind. The sky was beautifully littered with stars, Prim watching them as she walked. Orion brushed her shoulder with his, Primrose turning to see him smiling at her, "Thank you for coming tonight, I know its... weird but, I just-"

"Thank you for inviting me," Prim smiled in return, watching the gentle blush that covered Orion's cheeks.

They soon reached the house of wind, Prim letting Orion take her arm in his so she didn't trip going up the flight of stone stairs to the front door. She didn't mind the heat that radiated from him. With a swift click of the lock, Orion opened up the door, Prim heading inside first and Orion following behind. She headed straight for the stairs, wanting nothing more than the softness of her bed and the comfort of sleep. She had ascended the first few steps when Orion called her name, Primrose turning to see him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes?" She asked, holding onto her skirts.

It was clear in his face that whatever he wanted to say was not what he said next, "Goodnight."

Prim gave him a small smile, "Goodnight, Orion."

As she went into her room, shutting the door behind her, she found herself smiling. Maybe things could be different, after all.

Winds of Fire [ACOTAR]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora