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As much as Prim hated being apart from her mate, she was rather enjoying the company of her mother-in-law. Since coming to the night court, she hadn't had much time to get to know Feyre Archeron, but Primrose wasn't surprised to find she was just as lovely with her friends as she was with her family. They, being Prim, Feyre and Mor, were now stood in the foyer of the summer courts manor. Princess Cressedia led them through the halls and toward the meeting room, her dark skin glistening in the summer light, the reflection shining off her silver hair.

"No Amren?" asked Cresseida, shooting a look behind her shoulder at the three females, "My brother will be very disappointed."

"Varian is very capable of coming to the night court, is he not?" replied Mor, her red dress clinging to her curvy frame, "Why should the lady make all the moves?"

A chuckle slipped from the princess's lips, "Quite right."

The creak of the meeting room door made Prim's skin rattle, Cresseida disappearing through it and allowing them to follow. The room wasn't as big as Primrose expected, perhaps they did not need it here. Feyre and Mor moved first, taking up seats opposite Tarquin and Varian as Cresseida joined her brother's side. Prim slipped into the seat beside Mor, opposite the princess who offered her a gentle but fierce smile.

"I think you already know why we're here," started Feyre, clasping her hands atop of the oak table. The way she spoke sent chills along Prim's skin. She was mesmerizing, a born High Lady. Primrose dreamt of being like her.

Tarquin gave a slow nod, observing the women before him. "You have some nerve coming here after what happened last time," he smirked, though there was no amusement in the movement.

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't desperate," added Mor, leaning back casually in her chair. Prim felt sick to her stomach, wishing that she had something to hold onto to calm herself down. But that something was halfway across Prythian.

"What is it exactly that you want?" asked Varian, his eyes narrowed. He was beautiful, in a unique, softened beauty kind of way. The plump of his lips and the glow of his skin. She understood why Amren fancied him.

"We want for you to either leave Beron's side or join ours," said Feyre, as though she wasn't discussing something as destructive as war, "We can offer more alliance, you know that from previous wars. Beron is a mass murderer, is that what the summer court stands for?"

Murderer. Primrose was a murderer, not a mass one of course but that didn't make a difference in her mind. She had taken someone's life with the twist of her wrist. Even though Eris deserved it, that was something she could never take back.

"No," declared Cresseida, ignoring the glares of her peers, "No, it is not."

"Be cowards, if you must. But don't stand by Beron's side, he offers you nothing that we can't offer you tenfold." Mor smiled, as sweet as sugar.

The three summer court leaders looked to each other, a silent conversation drifting unheard within the air. Primrose only became more restless, shifting in her chair and leaning her elbow upon the table. Varian shot her a look before looking to the High Lady, "Where is Amren?"

Feyre blinked, her composure dropping for a second before returning elegantly, "Velaris. She's holding up the fort. We're moving our forces, as well as the Dawn and Day court's forces, to the Illyrian mountains."

Varian clicked his tongue, turning to Tarquin, "I want to join her."

"And do you want our forces to join them?" Tarquin asked, observing the Prince carefully.

Prim watched Feyre and Mor join hands under the table, a small smile curving on their faces. "Yes," Varian nodded, his shoulders broad and his jaw sharp.

Cresseida smiled at her brother, shooting Mor a knowing wink. Tarquin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Then I suppose I can't say no."

Feyre grinned magnificently, "You won't regret it, I promise."

"What happens now?" asked Cresseida, looking at her brother who seemed more than eager for this meeting to end.

"I need a few days to rally my soldiers and inform them on the switch. We can meet you in the mountains in three days time. That's my one and only offer." declared Tarquin, his tone particularly icy despite being the High Lord of Summer.

Putting her arm out, Feyre shook Tarquin's hand, "Pleasure doing business with you."

Cresseida chuckled, "I wouldn't consider it business as such, but I'm glad we're on the same side again."

Mor smirked, biting her bottom lip, "Likewise, princess."

Primrose stood as everyone else did, watching as Varian rushed from the room in an instant, likely winnowing to Velaris - to Amren. Feyre exchanged final words with Tarquin as Mor shamelessly flirted with Cresseida, both girls blushing hot scarlet. She felt wholly out of place, leaving the room in a gentle breeze and feeling eyes on her back as she did so.

Primrose was independent. She had been her entire life, all eighteen years of it. Of course, she had her father and Malida, but they were more like her friends. But Orion, Orion was like another half of her. She missed him utterly and felt pathetic for doing so when she had only seen him hours before.

Prim was so lost within her own mind that she didn't even notice Mor and Cresseida pass her, didn't notice anything going on around her until Feyre laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" she asked, reaching to tuck a piece of hair behind Prim's ear.

Bobbing her head, Prim smiled, "Yes, are we leaving now?"

Feyre pressed her lips together, "Indeed, but we're going to head to the winter court soon, Mor reckons she can persuade Kallias and Viviane to join us. Its a lot of work, doing what we do."

Prim sighed, feeling her emotions rise up with each inhale, "Are you sure I should be here? I'm not really doing much."

"Your presence is enough. It shows a united front, shows how strong we are now. Trust me, you're doing more than you know." Feyre insisted, giving Prim one of her motherly smiles. It made her heart warm a little.

Primrose grinned, allowing Feyre to take her hand and pull her along. They would be leaving for yet another court soon, but tonight she would be back in the arms of her mate, her husband, her family. Just the thought of being able to breathe freely was enough to keep her steady.

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