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Her heart shattered, shards splattering to the ground like glass. Tamlin waited patiently, though there was a glassiness to his eyes that told her she wasn't the only one trying to keep it together. Her head was shaking still, uncontrollable as her lashes fluttered and her brows dipped into a frown. She told herself to breathe, but the world had turned devoid of air.

"W-what do you mean? You can't leave the Spring Court, you're the High Lord," she cried, voice hoarse as a lump grew in her throat. She put her palm to her chest, feeling the haste rise and fall against her hand.

"I've been thinking about it since Lucien became High Lord—"

"Lucien?" Her words came out far harsher than she meant them to, "What does he have to do with this?"

Tamlin sighed, lifting a hand to pinch the space between his brows. The look from earlier was gone, replaced by creases that she begged to erase. As she nodded slowly, prompting him to speak, she couldn't help but let her brain swarm with thoughts that begged to be let free. He was the one leaving, choosing to leave, again

"He worked beside me for a long time, Primrose. It's my time to repay the favour. Lucien is... I care for him, and I'm tired of letting him down. I'm going to be the emissary of the Autumn Court, just as he once was for Spring," he explained, a small smile pulling his lips as he spoke about his old friend.

She needed to sit down, to brace herself on something, on anything. "Effective when?" she whispered, not being able to meet his eyes a moment longer.


It was her's. The entire court, each hill, each village, each lake. The wall that boarded the human lands, what was left of Rose Manor, the pool of starlight. It all belonged to her. Tamlin moved forward, taking her hands and squeezing them comfortingly.

"I'm only eighteen." Was all she could say, all she could think of, "Orion. Nova. I can't leave them."

He cupped her jaw, bringing her eyes to his as tears dripped down her cheeks, "This is not a burden, Primrose. You're stronger than I was, more capable to run a court than I will ever be. Take Orion with you, build a room for Nova, decorate the manor with the biggest library Prythian has ever seen. It is yours, and yours only, you choose what to do with it."

Her mind flashed then, the beauty of a court she'd left behind in her ventures here. A court with no court itself, no army. She could build it, could brighten the hills, bring the villages and towns back to life, celebrate the festivals, rebuild Rose Manor brick by fucking brick to make it perfect. To make the Spring Court perfect once more. This, she realised, was her legacy, her destiny.

Orion would go with her. It would be hard, but he would follow her anywhere. And Nova, she would miss watching her grow each day, but she could visit on weekends, live the dream Primrose had once told her about. Elain could have her own plot in the gardens, her flowers of choice were likely to grow far more magnificently in the Spring Court than they ever could in Night. And Leo, his toddler legs one day running in the hills, chasing butterflies. It was achievable, and she... She wanted it more than she would ever admit.

"I'll visit, Lucien too," he added, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "You'll never be far from family. And you and Orion, you two can raise your own family there."

Scarlet burned her cheeks as she chuckled, "What if I mess up? What if I can't do it?"

"'If they're female, maybe the Spring Court actually has a chance. A High Lady would be a blessing.'" Tamlin quoted, a grin wide and almost unusual on his cheeks. Primrose did not need to ask to know who had said that.

"She believed in you without even knowing of your greatness... She would be so proud of you," Tamlin whispered, and she simply broke down.

"In a way," he whispered as she cried, shoulders shaking, "I'm honouring her. She was from Autumn, and I'm starting a new era there, a better era. Prythian finally has seven strong courts."

And he was right, of course he was. Spring and Autumn had always been the weaker links, the morally grey, villainised courts. With Lucien as High Lord and her as High Lady, Prythian could be whole again. She thought about how many times Orion said he didn't want to be High Lord... but, back then, he had meant of the Night Court. If he followed her, ruled at her side, Nova could still be the first solo High Lady, just as Prim had wanted her to be. Everything was finally falling into place.

She lifted her head, wiping her tears and smiling, "Primrose Archeron-Daley, High Lady of the Spring Court."

Tamlin blinked, "You kept your mother's name?"

"Originally it was the only name I had, but the Archerons' became a part of me. It's an honour to carry their family name. As it is for Orion, to carry Daley."

They had spoken about it, one night tucked against each other as the moon passed through the clouds. Spoke about how she was ready to take his name, and in return, he swore to take her's also. They hadn't told anyone yet, their little secret, but she supposed now was a better time than any.

A tear shone in Tamlin's eyes, "He really loves you, doesn't he?"

"He does, and I love him. He's my forever, daddy," she smiled, and Tamlin moved forward to hold his daughter, engulfing her in a cloud of love. Her hands went to his back, head tucking against his chest. She wasn't his little princess anymore, she was evolving, finding her own place in the world.

"I'm ready," he told her, pulling away and pressing a kiss to her forehead, "I'm ready to let you go."

She nodded, eyes glossed with tears as she stepped back, "I'll make you proud, I promise. Mommy too, I'll make her proud."

Tamlin flickered his eyes over her, taking in the person she had become, "I know you will, baby. I'll give you a moment, it's your time to shine."

Before she could ask him to stay, to bathe in this moment with her, he had winnowed, leaving her alone in the midday rays. The sun was warm against her skin as she turned, skirt flowing around her as she walked back to the house. Everyone was sat down now, Cassian and Nesta rejoining the group with Leo in Cassian's arms, whatever dish Scarlet had made smelt delicious and looked just the same as people spooned it onto their plates. It was Orion who noticed her, a space between him and Nova presumably saved for her as she stood in the doorway.

"Prim?" he asked, eyebrows lifted slightly, "Are you okay?"

Her smile ached her jaw, everyone casting their eyes upon her as she spoke, "I'm the High Lady of the Spring Court."

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