Chapter 15: What have you done

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Waking up, I see a small red skirt near my face with what seemed to be a poodle on it; feeling tiny legs under my head as well as a hand caressing the top of my head. Looking up I see the small red haired demon looking down at me, smiling as I lay my eyes on her.

"....Niffty, why am I on your lap", I said in a groggy tone.

"Well you were sort of here lying on the couch, so I came to the conclusion of why not you know. Besides I'm kind of done with my duties for the day, now that I think about it your fever is gone, glad you're doing better", Niffty replied while ruffling my hair.

"And everyone else, where are they, is everything back to I still dreaming."

"They're in the other room discussing personal issues right now, there was also a big ruckus just a little while ago, I wonder if a building fell. For your dreaming may you have been day dreaming of someone", she said before looking down at me.

"Ok", I say before getting up from her lap and standing up, almost tripping over as I stood though I was helped by Niffty. "Heh, thank you darling.....that came out wrong forget what I said but thank you, again"

As Niffty was about to say something the front door opened with great force. We both heard angry grunts getting closer till I saw Angel Dust again as well as another demon I never met before, both of them covered in dust.

"HEY YOU", Angel Dust said before walking aggressively towards me. "You think this is cute, you think this is fucking funny huh", he said before coming closer to me.


"You little, hooch, you little mother fu.....I'm just upset at you shorty real upset."

"Why what did I do"

"What did you do....WHAT DID YOU DO, not much but this bitch over here had to destroy my work place just to save your sorry ass from that fucker.", he says before pointing to a Demon with one eye.

"Which means?"

"Are you serious....It means I ain't getting paid anymore for my porn shit, my stripping career however, fuck if I know I'll still get job offerings after the last're gonna repay me, I won't do things you don't want to do but you're still gonna repay me.", with that Angel dust and that Demon girl nudged me before going towards the bar.

"Jeez what was that about",I said to myself.


I jumped hearing a loud female's voice rang out the entire lobby of the hotel. Looking over I see Vaggie fuming from another room, not knowing what happened or what I did I ran over to her. Going inside the room I see Charlie sitting down on a small chair rubbing her forehead with one of her hands.

"What happened?"

"Care to explain this", Vaggie said before pointing towards a T.V. showing what seems to be a news broadcast.

"Breaking News over at the now destroyed porn studios where many residents and pedestrians claimed to see an explosion happen near the third and fourth floor of the building. The whereabouts of the owner Valentino as well as colleagues Vox and Velvet remain unknown. The Elusive Angel Dust has yet to also be seen but reports say that he escaped along with a friend of his. Whether they were both involved with this "accident" also remains unknown. Demons near the scene at the time claim to see a small frightened male Demon run off; whether he was also involved with the crime also remains unknown."

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