Chapter 5 : The Nightmare World

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 As I looked around my room I noticed that my whole room was rusted over, similar to the look of when I first entered that elevator. I heard a similar radio broadcast that I heard in my dream, except it was more staticky than normal, and I also didn't know where it was coming from. "I need to leave this room now, I should probably find someone quick", I got up from my bed and went out my front door. Looking down the hallway it was dimly lit, with some lights flickering, the radio noises that I heard before were almost gone or at least hard to hear. I looked towards the elevator, "looks like how it was before", I looked over to my left and noticed some...thing walking towards me. As they were getting closer, I heard what sounded like a bug's wings flickering. If this...thing was a threat I didn't want it to be near me, heck I couldn't even get a clear image of what it was.

Suddenly, I heard what sounded like wings flap rapidly, coming towards me I presumed. "Oh shit." I ran towards the elevator, hearing the buzzing getting louder and louder until I reached the elevator. As the elevator doors closed, I heard what sounded like a corrupted woman's voice seething with anger on the other side; Trying to say every obscenity towards me,at least I think they were trying to yell at me.

I entered the elevator, rusted and decrepit as I witnessed it before except there were no walls, well unless you count the large bars surrounding me as a wall. I could see the dark abyss above me as well as what little I could see below me as I peeked out one of the bars. As the elevator was going down slowly, I heard noises going around the whole interior and exterior of the elevator; not that it was about to fall, but more on the line of just being rickety. The radio noises came back slowly as well as the overwhelming noise of static. "Now that I think about it...there weren't any radio noises when that monster showed up, maybe I should be weary when that happens".

The elevator stopped around the second floor, one more floor until I reached the lobby. "Uugh, great....". I stepped out of the elevator doors, noticing the long corridor in front of me. As I began to walk the radio noises began to get really quiet, checking my surroundings, making sure nothing was near me. I then heard a creek from a door somewhere, "hello, is someone there...?", no response. " Of course there wouldn't be a response", I said quietly. I quickly ran towards the end of the hallway, hoping nothing heard me; the radio static getting more and more quiet. As I reached the end of the hallway, I looked behind me to see if anyone was there, or if someone followed me. I looked to my right to notice the stairway entrance door; Rusted and aged like the rooms before.

I opened the door slowly, expecting to see if someone was standing behind it. I then heard the sound of something dropping which startled outright, causing me to fall forward. As I landed face first on the stairway I heard a creaking noise under me, feeling the stairs getting lighter? Before I had any time to react the stairs gave away under me. After a small fall to the first floor store well I fell on what felt like wet towels but when I looked under me I couldn't even tell what it was. The object was black, wet, and emitting a horrendous smell that made me want to puke. I came to my senses blocking the smell by holding my nose, turning around noticing a door, hopefully leading to the lobby. "Hopefully I get to have a chance to actually talk to Charlie this time, or at least escape this hotel and this damn nightmare!"

I bursted through the door, hitting the wall in front of me as I forced my way through. I looked to my right noticing that it turned right into another one. I ran fast to reach the hallway, only to notice that the same hallway I just ran was in front of me, only that it went left and the end of the hall this time. I did this for about 2...4 times until I finally reached what I thought was the lobby. There was a big stairway, a lounge, and a bar. "This has to be it, now to find that girl, maybe she can help me." I went towards the center of the lobby only to hear the static get louder and louder, hearing laughter as well as someone signing off something.

The noise was unbearable, it was so loud I went on my knees covering my ears to hopefully block it out, but it was no use. Tears started to well up on my eyes, "Please stop.....STOP!!!". As soon as I shouted out, begging the noise to stop, everything went quiet; no noise, no static nothing. I opened my eyes to see that everything went back to normal, softly panting under my breath. "I....I'm back...". I felt someone's hands rubbing my back with a gentle touch. "Are you alright, sir?", I heard a soft quiet voice behind me say. 

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