Alastors Ending : We'll meet again my dear friend

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"I choose......Alastor......wait a minute, why did I say that name out loud!"

"What! You want to go back to that heathen. That man that killed my granddaughter, the one who killed her girlfriend along with her friends, the one who tormented you! Are you insane, are you daft, are you just matter, you want to go back to him so badly and spend eternity with him well you got it. To think I actually thought you were a good person.....guess you. ", God said while snapping his fingers.

"Wait no no!"

A hole appeared below me, causing me to fall down lower and lower. Before I fell he grabbed onto my hand, I believed he had some type of mercy towards me, but he simply pulled me up and dug around in my pants pocket.

"I'll be taking this back, to think I lent this to you to help them on their endeavors.", He said while taking the dagger from my pocket.

I began fall, and as I fell I began to see a red hue glow brighter and brighter until I felt the ground hit my back. I looked around to see myself back in that room with Alastor, Charlie's body was no longer here and the smell of something burning became evident.

"Well well welcome back my lovely friend, I've been ever so lonely since you went off to those ever lovely pearly gates. Now, I guess you can finally join me for a good meal now",

"Wh.....what happened to Charlie......what did you do?

"Let's just say she was a wonderful appetizer for what's to come. Now come here my ever delectable little fawn", Alastor said while his mouth unhinged and grabbing my leg.


"This is going nowhere", Dave said before getting up and walking towards the window and looking out of it. "You are holding onto a past that you can never get back, you're even forgetting and misremembering your memories, if that's from the sleep deprivation or your medication I'm still not sure. Listen, I know it's very hard to do so, especially what you and your brother have gone through, but you need to move one. It's been around ten years since the incident and you're nearly twenty Arthur.....or do you prefer Arty, we've never really gone over that before even after our many visits."

"I....I know I should move on Dave I know, my mind still denies the incident from ever happening even if I saw what happened to him right in front of my eyes. It's just...I don't want to remember him like that.."

"I know it hurts Arthur, that's why I'm trying to help you, you're trying to repress memories from your past and it's making you not remember them correctly. You even told me your parents hated you guys and that your father hated your brother when that simply wasn't the case. They were just so frustrated from everything that happened in a matter of minutes, they thought that they would lose 2 of their sons in one night. Not to mention the neurological disorders your brother had.

"I know I's just, I didn't think it would end like.....this. I just miss him so much and with the whole divorce going on its.....its just been hard."

"He was a very strange case when he was with me, before you of course.....he always said that someone was talking to him, I'm not even sure if it was just his mind playing tricks on him. I always assumed that it was his schizophrenia but.....Arthur....I need to give you something. Your brother gave it to me as a sort of proof that he isn't seeing things and that he isnt crazy, he saved it on this Camera recorder....I've kept it ever since....I think it's best if you have it now", Dave said while handing me the camera.

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