Chapter 13 : -dream

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Waking up I found myself near what seemed to be a dumpster, or at the very least the floor is just really dirty. Looking up I see a tall building towering over me with a large neon sign on top of it, though I couldn't make out what it said. I then heard someone talking, getting nearer to what I believe was the front entrance of the building. It sounded like they were talking on the phone.

"Nah sugar tits, I already consulted with the moth, you can come over later. I gotta work first, you know please my customers and the creep. All I ask is for you not to trash the place, I'll get shit for it, not that I mind if you wreak a little havoc on the place. Uhu, uhu. Yeah, love ya to bitch."

"Wait a minute, I know that voice", looking behind me I notice Angel Dust getting closer to what I presume was his workplace.

"Angel Dust!"

"Listen buddy you're gonna have to wait your turn...YOU! Whu....what the hell are you doing here shortstack, and were you hanging out near a dumpster you look like shit".

Looking down I then noticed my clothing looked a bit dreary. My blazer is covered in weird green spots as well as my pants. My shirt looked a bit loose and my hands looked a bit dirty.

"Uhh, maybe I was near one?"

"Fuck I don't have time to walk you back to the hotel, shit just come with me", Angel Dust said before grabbing one of my hands and pulling me inside the building.

Looking around the interior of the hallway, it looked grey throughout the start of the hallway to the end where there was an elevator. It seemed ominous, thought there would be more lights and color considering the outside is colorful (if you count red as the only color down here).

"Listen kid, I don't want you wandering this place by yourself, who knows what might happen to you. The creeps in this place will do anything to have their hole done in, or force their stick into other people's holes if ya catch my drift."

I looked at him with a concerned look. Just because he didn't say what is going to happen doesn't mean I'm not going to know what happens.

"Oh by the way", as we pull up near Angels makeup room, "if you see a tall blue guy with red glasses and a gold tooth like mine, you run from him ,'' Angel Dust said in a serious tone.

"Yes sir", I replied back. Whoever this guy was probably did something to Angel, didn't think he would talk this serious to me. "Anyone else I should worry about"

Angel Dust sat on a chair, facing a mirror to fix himself up."Uhh this T.V. face lookin guy, could be dangerous to deal with if ya get on his bad side and uhh his little friend." Angel Dust said while getting ready for his work. "Also she looks like a doll err clown....I'm still not sure. Anyways she wears a dress similar to that you see in a dollhouse....or something akin to a pastel goth....yea it makes as much sense to me buddy."

"Why should I fear them, it's not like I could die by them.... right?"

"Kid if you had enough willpower to do anything down here you could do it, and that includes even murder. So for your safety I advise you to not leave this room."

"What if someone breaks in though, I don't have anything to fend myself with."

"Here kid take this", Angel Dust said tossing over a revolver, "Don't worry it ain't loaded,yet. If you need bullets there's a ton in the drawer near the mirror".

"Uhh, thanks. Didn't expect you to care about me, considering where we are."

"Well kid it's like taking care of a brother I never had....even if I do have a brother."

"Wait what".

"Don't worry about it buddy, now if you'll excuse me, I gotta do work. Remember don't leave this room no matter what, unless those creeps come alright."

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