Chapter 8: A familiar face

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Hells streets

Given that I was in an alley I tried to go to the exit where I came from but soon found myself bumping into a chain linked fence hard.


After I recollected my vision I tried to look beyond the fence to see if anyone was there

"Nothing but buildings", was my only thought before I looked down before noticing an empty abyss before me.

"What the hell dude...I hate myself".

Knowing there was only one way out I took my leave to the other side of the alleyway, with caution of course; who knows what might be lurking out of the corner of my eye. As I walked down the alley with the flashlight as my only source of comfort I began to hear inhuman noises. It sounded like blood gurgling or someone crying out for air; it couldn't have come from the residents of "this hell".

Exiting the alleyway I looked to my right noticing a huge window that carried T.V. sets, walking towards it; there was nothing but static on. I would catch a glimpse of what seemed like a news station or some commercial but I wasn't too sure of what was popping up. It was only a couple of seconds before I heard what sounded like a conversation happening.


"There's too much white noise, come on t.v.".

Finishing the thought I heard a loud noise in the alley I was just in, I saw a black gloved hand creep over the wall. Panicked, I tried to find cover by turning off my light and keeping onto the wall of the building, holding my breath so this "thing" wouldn't kill me.

" anyone there....I saw a light....Charlie, anyone?", it said.

That voice, it couldn't be...why Is she here, shouldn't she be at the hotel?

"Vaggie?", I asked before turning on the flashlight.

"Arrgh, could've warned me that you had a flashlight"

"Sorry for nearly blinding ya", lowering my flashlight, "Anyways what are you".

"Well for starters you ran out for some weird reason so I had the bright idea to wait for you to come back but no, I get dragged into this mess, knocked out cold, and woke up nowhere near the hotel.",

Vaggie stated


"What's with the tone, what are you looking at", she said scowling at me.

" Why do you look like...that".

"Like what", she said with clear anger in her voice

"Well haven't you noticed, your whole appearance has changed", I stated with disbelief

"Well haven't you noticed, your whole appearance has changed", I stated with disbelief

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Waiting for you...(Male Reader X Hazbin Hotel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora