Chapter 1: What is happening

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As I started to slowly wake up I began to notice my surroundings, tall buildings surrounded me with signs saying welcome to hell as well as a giant pentagram hovering the sky, as well as a giant clock stating 364 for the next cleanse, whatever that means. "Where, am I...wait a minute I'm just dreaming or in a state of sleep, of course I'll just pinch my hand tightly and AAAAAAAGH." I look around to see that I'm still in this reality where everything has a red texture/color over them. "This is all real....oh no, that I being punished for...." I stopped myself as the thought of what just occurred sickened me. I began to think over that I'm in hell, wondering why it was more like a city rather than being filled with caverns and people being tortured. "I thought hell would be a bit more bloody, or at the very least more on fire". I touched my head as it was starting to ache but pulled my hand away as it felt cold to the touch. I then went over to a building's window to check out my appearance to see if I was sick or blue due to said coldness. I was wearing a black and white blazer with a tie, my skin was a light grey, and I had bags under my eyes. The only exception was that I no longer had ears. "WWWOAAH...why do I look like this!...don't tell me you become the thing you last think about or see....well darn could've thought about being taller" As I looked around I see a sidewalk going towards the inner city, "Might as well start walking, don't really have much to do...or a choice."

I began walking along the sidewalk seeing "people" walk by, staring at me as I go by, "maybe they know that I'm new... it's best not to think about it." As I turned right to a curve I bumped into a "a ladylike creature" and fell flat on my back. "Hey! Watch where you're going, bub", the female said. I sat up and looked at the person, "I am terribly sorry ma'am, I really didn't mean to bump into you", I replied awkwardly. "Hey hun, you look kind of cute and innocent, maybe we can go in an alleyway and I can show you a good time '' she gestures her hand in a lewd gesture. I got up and turned around and quickly walked trying to get away from her. She was calling me over but I just ignored her. To my luck this attracted other demons to notice that I was running from the offer, beginning to wonder if this guy was either gay or a pure soul lost in this hellhole. To ignore all the commotion I ran through a maze of alleyways that lead to a long path. This path led me to a building or at the very least the backside of one. The building was very tall, had a boat and carousel attached to it. "Is this a building or an art piece... I mean of course it's a building isn't it," I questioned out loud. I ran towards the back door of the building, hoping nobody saw me entering.

I enter a small room, empty with no person around. "Hello.....I'm sorry I just saw a building here, I didn't mean to intrude or anything." Silence, no one answered. As I looked around the room everything was either damaged or slowly decaying, the cupboard doors rotting away, though this was the case there was still stuff in them. "This must be the storage room, or at the very least a supply room, well I guess I could look around here to see if I could make myself a bed,or at the very least something comfortable to sle-." You froze as you see a dark tall figure with what seems to be long blonde hair smiling from a doorway as well as someone behind it.


Charlie was in the main lobby with her best friend (and lover) Vaggie, conversing about what to do around the hotel in terms of advertising to bring more people to the location. As they were talking they both heard a voice coming from the back room. Wondering if someone snuck in the hotel, Charlie went and searched while Vaggie was behind her, just in case someone did steal something. As Charlie was about to open the door to the supply room she overheard someone talking outloud, questioning if people were living at the establishment and if they could stay the night. Vaggie and Charlie both looked at each other, Charlie smiling while Vaggie still on guard holding her spear, just in case it was a demon tricking them. To both of their surprise they see a small grey demon looking around the room until he turns around and looks at Charlie.


As the figure slowly walked toward me the only thought that came into my mind was panic before uttering, "oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know people were here I'll just lea-". But before I could finish my sentence the light came on and the tall figure standing in the doorway jumped in front of me jumping up and down in excitement. Since she was close I noticed that it was a girl in front of me, she had a face similar to that of a clown, (if you count a white face with visible rosy cheeks clown like) was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. Before I could utter a word she exclaimed to me, "Welcome to the Happy Hotel...are you new around here you seem very lost." Due to her being so close I tripped over to the back door, quickly trying to let myself out. As I was walking through the door my body bumped into something stiff, as I looked up I saw a taller figure with a giant smile as well as wearing the color red. As he bent down he said aloud, "well it seems we have a new face staying over now". This spooked me outright that I went straight back inside, and accidentally bumped into the "clown" girl which then made another person pull her away and point something sharp at my back. I tripped forward and turned around to see a grey skinned woman with a pink X covering one of her eyes glaring at me, gritting her teeth in anger. As I saw the spear I began moving backwards until I bumped on one of the cabinets. The last thing I remember is me looking up and seeing one of the wooden cupboard doors falling on my head.

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