chapter fifty one

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How can someone change your way of thinking just so suddenly? They come in your life in such an unexpected way and they make that click in the back of your head. The slightest innocent touch, the way they look at you while talking about something they're passionate about and you can see that little spark in their eyes that comes from that passion. They take your weak spots into consideration and then they hit you there sometimes without even realizing it. Every little thing starts to matter even if you know them for a couple minutes, hours or even days and you hope that  those days will become weeks and then months, if you're lucky they become years. It's crazy because the person that'll do all that to you can make you go crazy into seconds. The smallest things are the ones that start to count in your head and no matter how much you try you can't get it out.

A smile, the tone of their voice or even the way the look at things starts to slowly seep into the way you look at things and maybe that is one of the most beautiful things you can witness. It doesn't matter anymore, nothing matters just because all you can think about is them, even if you think there's no way in heaven you get to sit next to them, you still think about every little small thing that happened the last time you saw them. They were either crossing the street, talking to someone they know or looking at you from across the street waving back at you. And you smile because they smile, and that is the most precious thing you can find.

"Earth to Jennie do you copy?" Lisa's voice traveled in her ears pulling her out of the haze she had fallen in, her eyes slowly starting to focus on the well dressed woman in front of her that was looking amused by how lost Jennie seemed to be. "Sorry, I was thinking," Jennie laughed and excused herself since it wasn't really time to waste, the time that she got to spend with Lisa was precious and she wouldn't risk wasting any second of it even though lately she seemed to lose it a little. "What about?" Lisa asked immediately catching onto the fact that something was troubling Jennie's mind, taking a few bites from her lunch, the same order that she had been taking for three days straight now. Since Jennie was busy in the morning and got off at the time that was appropriate for lunch Lisa thought that it would be cute if they made that small secluded place their own place to relax and enjoy their food.

And Jennie looked as if she enjoyed it, it was a good way to spend time with each other without being intimate or too forward with each other. The routine that had become for them was kind of like a safe place now and when Lisa would go back to Korea Jennie was sure that she would visit that café/restaurant every day until she would get to go with Lisa again. "Mostly you, but work too" Jennie said truthfully and for a moment her cat eyes lost their spark which only made Lisa worry a little, she wasn't used to seeing Jennie worry about her job ever. "There's this girl, Jamie, she's like me" Jennie sighed and soon felt Lisa's hand touching hers in the most loving and sweet way possible, a smile appearing on her lips now. "She lost someone she loves, the only person that worked like her anti depressant you could say," Jennie explained without getting into much detail about her patient's condition, it was irrelevant after all, the point she wanted to make was that she was relating to that girl that felt like she had lost everything.

"And I got mine back, but she didn't. She's fighting through it though amongst other things, and I'm proud of her for that," Jennie went on and on about her favorite patient if you will, the proud smile now appearing on her face instead of the loving smile, the fact that she was being a help to that girl was the best feeling she could have. "I was right, whatever kid you're dealing with, they're very lucky," Lisa spoke up once again, her thumb rubbing the back of Jennie's hand while looking at their hands interacting with each other. "You're really good at your job, Jen, I'm happy to see you pursuing what you love." Lisa added and instantly felt a sharp pain in her chest, a sudden and scary pain that she hadn't felt before. She doesn't remember feeling it at least, it went through her entire body yet she couldn't put her finger on where it was coming from.

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