chapter fifty five

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Jennie had settled for the time being, after informing the hospital she worked in that she would have to take some time off she was a little bit more secure that she wouldn't have any problems since the people she worked with were understanding. It was going to be hard just like the doctor said but all of them were prepared for what was going to happen from now on. Getting diagnosed with cancer is a real punch in the gut and it was honestly the last thing that Jennie expected to hear when she made it to the hospital with Jisoo. It had been just only one or two days since she first saw Lisa laying on that bed, lifeless and pale as a ghost, an image that she would have to get used to seeing since it would only get worse as time went on. The scariest part of all was that she didn't know how much that was affecting Lisa, even if she saw that the older woman was confident of getting through it Jennie still had her doubts about how strong Lisa actually was mentally.

The doctor had suggested Lisa to do the surgery as soon as possible, the sooner she had the surgery to remove the tumor done the faster she'd be able to start the chemotherapy. Jennie still remembers how weak she felt when she heard that word leave the oncologist's mouth, as much as the woman didn't want to scare them that was the harsh reality and everything had to move fast in order to prevent it from spreading further. The odds of Lisa having complications during the surgery weren't crazy but they were not in their favor either, there was no room for any mistakes here. Jennie didn't worry as much for the procedure as for what it would come next especially after Lisa's first exposure to radiation. The woman's immune system would get weaker which meant that she wouldn't be able to go out as much in order to not catch a cold or even go to her studio since she shouldn't tire herself more.

Looking up to check the time on the wall clock, Jennie started to get impatient and worried since Lisa hadn't come back from the surgery room yet. She knew that it was a long procedure but still she couldn't help but be concerned, she flew to Korea and got thrown into the deepest end of all out of nowhere. Of course she wouldn't rather be away from her, not now that Lisa needed her more than ever, she just wished that the world would work on their behalf for once. "Jen?" The woman heard her name being called, panicked she looked around only to see Jisoo approaching her, Chaeyoung a few steps back following Jisoo down the hallway. "Aren't you tired?" Jisoo asked and soon took a seat next to her friend, Chaeyoung who stayed standing let her eyes wander around in case she could see Lisa coming from one of the corridors. "I am but I'm not going anywhere without her," Jennie answered and as if by queue Lisa's figure came into sight, the woman being transferred by a wheelchair back to her room.

Jumping from her seat Jennie ran up to them immediately, her eyes taking in both Lisa who was half asleep and half awake but also the doctor that had been taking care of every little procedure that Lisa had to go through. Ms Anderson, that was her name and she was by far one of the most experienced and most professional doctors that Jennie had come across. "No worries, it was a long one but she is stronger than that, she did great" The woman said and looked at Lisa with a smile on her lips, Jennie and everyone else including Lisa who was still half asleep and half awake smiling as well at the good news. That was good, that was the best thing she could hear now even if it was one of the many things they would have to go through. That's how they should face it, one bad thing at a time, and it would all come to an end sooner or later.

"Although Ms Manoban just had the surgery done I would advice you to start the chemotherapy after having a week pass," Ms Anderson said and looked at Lisa who was still sitting on the wheelchair, the only difference being that all of them were now standing in the room that Lisa had been staying at for the past two days now. "Ms Manoban insisted on starting the therapy starting this Monday. It will be slightly harder for her own body since it will go through a shock phase. If we have two sessions a week like we agreed she'd be done with it in four instead of six weeks" The woman said and Jennie looked down at Lisa who was swallowing hard, the older woman seemed to be preoccupied by thinking about what the doctor was saying all over again. She didn't seem stoked and no one would be when it comes to a routine that would change everything in the way that their body works. "Are you sure?" Jennie asked and kept her eyes locked with Lisa's, the older woman nodding before looking up at Ms Anderson next to her, the blonde nodding as well.

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