chapter one

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The sun was barely reaching the room that Lisa was in, the woman doesn't even remember when it was the last time that she ever left that room which was none other than her studio. She loved her job too much and maybe that is why she didn't mind spending so much time on it, looking through hundreds of videos she had taken while traveling with her dance team. No matter where she was, whether that was in Seoul, New York or even in her own house Lisa could find something new that would look good and cool, something that no one has tried before. She just knew that when she started coming up with a new choreography things changed inside her, it's like anything that could ruin her day disappeared and lately her life was kind of taking that turn to the bad side.

And then she stopped, her hand letting go of the mouse as she relaxed back on her chair, stretching and briefly looking out of her window, a smile appearing on he face when a knock came from the door, the face that she was waiting for appearing. "Hey honey" Lisa spoke up as her eyes fixed on Evelyn's face, the woman coming in the room when she saw that Lisa was done. "Jisoo came by, I waited until you'd be done to tell you about it" Evelyn said and Lisa nodded, her best friend popping her head from the small crack in the door, looking at her best friend with a similar smile. "Come on girl, did you forget we're going out tonight?" Jisoo said and saw Lisa sigh immediately, the tiredness was obvious on her face but even though she was so exhausted she still got up.

"Just give me a minute to dress up okay?" Lisa said and saw both of the women walk out, the door closing as Lisa walked in her closet looking around for something to wear, it was Chaeyoung's birthday after all. "Insert gay joke here" Lisa laughed when she realized that she was sitting in a closet indeed. Shaking her head  her yes fell on something particular that she remembers Chaeyoung got her on her birthday as a gift, a fancy suit that would go amazing for the occasion. Nodding in approval it only took her a minute or two to slip her tall and slim body in the clothes, buttoning up her white shirt before wearing the black top of the suit. "Ready" Lisa said and grabbed her wallet along with her phone, placing them in her pocket as she walked out full of confidence earning an approving look not only from her best friend but from her fiance as well.

"That's more like it" Jisoo laughed and got up from the couch she was sitting, Lisa waiting for her in front of the door with her hands in her pockets, the woman joining her friend, Lisa smiling at Evelyn before opening the door and walking out. Lisa walked down the stairs and out of her apartment complex, Jisoo following shortly until they made it to Lisa's car, she was definitely taking her car knowing all too well that since  Jisoo and Chaeyoung were going to be beyond drunk later on she would have to be the designated driver. "Everything okay?" Jisoo asked and looked over at Lisa's side, the woman nodding and starting her engine, driving off the parking and heading down the street. "You seem very quiet," Jisoo pointed out still looking at her best friend who seemed clueless of what Jisoo was saying, her friend dropping the matter quickly.

It didn't take them long to get to the night club that Chaeyoung had chosen to celebrate to, the owner being a person that all of them personally know was open to them staying as long as possible. Usually the clubs in the Itaewon area close after a certain time but he could pull some strings for them for sure. Lisa needed that party break, her past few days had been full of responsibilities and job material, well almost everyday was like that for her but she came to a point of wanting to go out and party, Lisa, the responsible person of the group that usually was against all that 'teenage partying crap' as she described it. The mucic could be heard by just sitting in your car, the whole ground was shaking, filling them with more excitement as they got out of the black Mercedes after parking it. "This is going to be one hell of a night" Jisoo laughed and walked alongside Lisa, the women pushing the doors and walking in.


Have you ever wanted something you absolutely can't have? Have you ever felt like if you don't have something you'll go crazy? I certainly haven't been there yet, simply because I never let those stories about romance get to my head, all that maistream shit that they feed us. My life is quite the opposite of that to be honest. Sentimental and sweet will never be my thing, rough and violent maybe... Yeah, that's more like it. Why does everything have to be dipped into love syrup and not dipped into pure lust and neediness to feel a body against yours? This is definitely not a story where the good guys win, because I am no good guy, I'm the most evil person you can possibly come across and I don't ever plan to regret that... It feels good to be bad, it makes you feel powerful, or as I like to call it... It makes you have all the control, and I fucking love control.

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