chapter sixty six

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"You never reached out so I thought of calling," Evan's voice filled the entire living room, the worry in his words was evident. And that was the truth. Jennie didn't call him back or had the time to actually reach out when she said she would because she had enough on her plate with Lisa going back to treatment. She cared about her job and her colleagues but mostly about her patients as much as she cared though she found it difficult to be there both as a doctor and as a wife at the same time. "Yeah I'm sorry about that, I had a lot of things going on..." Jennie sighed and covered her face, Evan who was standing on the other side of the screen keeping his eyes on his superior. Jennie wasn't looking for pity, for someone to feel bad for her and understand what she was going through alongside Lisa, the woman who has been fighting with cancer for a couple months now. She hated that expression though.

She didn't want to refer to cancer as a fight because that would mean that if Lisa died she didn't fight back enough when in reality none of this is on her hands. "Ms Kim, I know we worked together for a small period of time but... You are an incredible human and I want you to know you can tell me anything" the young man said with a smile of sympathy on his lips, Jennie smiling back for a split second as her heart warmed up a little bit. It was nice to know that people that just got to know her viewed her as something completely different from what she used to be. Jennie was glad to know she didn't project that bitch vibe anymore, that she was seen as someone that actually gives a fuck for other people. "Thank you Evan. For now why don't you update me on the Jamie situation?" Jennie briefly thanked him and moved on to the professional things almost immediately, her reading glasses resting on the bridge of her nose as the pen stayed between her fingers ready to take notes.

The young man nodded and cleared his throat before referring to his own notes, focusing entirely on the most important task now. "Well, she went back to refusing having meals. That's how it started again," Evan said and Jennie's mind flooded with images of the girl when she first came in but also with images of Lisa now, both of them missing a lot of needed pounds to at least look healthy when in reality they're not even close to that. "Katie tried talking to her, she managed to have a few meeting with Jamie but then she started getting uncooperative." The young man spoke up again as Jennie kept taking notes, thinking at the same time of ways she could do her job and actually talk to Jamie while staying in Korea next to Lisa. "A couple of nights ago she kind of tried running away, escaping her ward and the hospital in general. She has been in the intensive care since then," Evan said and looked back up at the screen where he came across Jennie staring back at him with the pen now in between her lips while being in deep thought taking everything in.

"And you said she only wanted to talk to me?" Jennie asked while keeping the same stare, Evan nodding immediately and clearing his throat again since he got a bit nervous from how Jennie was looking at him. "I was wondering, how about we have a Skype session with her? That way more of you guys can overview things at the same time." Jennie threw the idea out there all of a sudden, her eyes blinking for the first time in a whole minute or even two, Evan getting surprised from what he heard coming from her. "I uh, I can't decide that Ms Kim. You're the head of the psychiatrist ward," Evan said and looked down again since he was unable and unqualified to take a decision like that one. It wasn't a bad idea, people work from different places of the world for someone that is miles away. So why wouldn't she be able to do that as well?

Her heart stopped when she heard the bedroom door being pushed open, a sign that her sleeping wife had just woken up from her slumber. "Then that's what we'll do, get back to me via mail with all the details once you arrange it." Jennie said and ended the call abruptly, gathering up her things and putting them away so she wouldn't look suspicious to Lisa. If the older woman realized that the hospital was asking Jennie to go back to New Zealand she would pressure her to go back since that was her job. She couldn't risk having to choose between Lisa and her job. She could manage to do them at the same time. "Hey baby, are you okay?" Jennie asked as soon as Lisa came into view, the older woman's frail figure scaring her almost. She already knew that the answer was no just by looking at her. Her wife's body had kind of gotten used to stay away from the chemo and it hit her differently this time, it kind of wrecked her Jennie could say.

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