chapter twenty one

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"Unnie, that's huge" Lisa gasped as soon as she layed eyes on the tall and huge building in front of them. She didn't really believe that her wallet or her friend's wallet could cover something like that, as fancy as that. Hearing her best friend laughing she looked over her shoulder her eyes landing on Jisoo and Chaeyoung stepping out of the car as well, the taxi driver helping them with the luggage that each one of them had brought along. "I know right, it's the best one I could find" Jisoo spoke up and caught up with the couple that was a few steps away from them, Chaeyoung following up shortly since she was the one with the most things to carry. "Four days of that, kind of cool right?" Jisoo added and tapped Lisa on the shoulder, the taller woman smiling at her best friend that looked genuinely happy and excited.

All of them walked towards the hotel, the people that greeted them being some of the most heart warming and polite people that Lisa had ever met in her life. She had heard about all those rumours that people in Hawaii are actually very nice and welcoming but she just thought that not every rumour is true. This felt nice, being away from Korea for once again but this time having your "family" with you. The last time she remembers traveling abroad work Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Evelyn was back when they were all still in university, well all of them except Chaeng who dropped out after being only a year into her degree since she wanted to do something different than what her parents wanted.

Lisa's worry of leaving Korea and Jennie behind even for a few days had slowly started to disappear something that really relieved her. She started to believe that she was getting depended on Jennie and it was not a good sign at all. "Guys give me a minute," Chaeyoung spoke up earning everyone's attention for a moment. "I have to make a call" Chaeyoung said and pointed at her phone the woman walking away from the group for a minute to make the call she wanted to while the others looked into getting the keys of their rooms from the reception. Lisa's eyes focused on the woman standing next to her, her blue eyes looking back at Lisa for a split second before she smiled and turned her head towards the receptionist. Evelyn was not Korean, she wasn't even close to being Asian which is probably why Lisa fell for her in the first place.

Over the years they had their fall outs like every single couple does. The only difference was that Evelyn would get up and walk away most of the times, she would get lost for a couple hours and then she would eventually come back all calmed down and stuff, ready to talk through things again and again. Lisa hadn't sat down to think about every fall out they had or any problems they faced until Jennie walked or maybe intruded her life. Maybe it was because Lisa never had any other relationships in her life besides Evelyn. They met each other when Lisa first came out to her friends and they stuck together until now. The fact that Jennie appeared out of nowhere and showed interest in her, haunted her down until she got her, maybe that explosive personality that was the polar opposite from Evelyn was what intrigued Lisa the most.

"Shall we go upstairs?" Evelyn asked with the keys dangling from her fingers, the woman holding them up to show them to Lisa. "Let's wait for the others, it shouldn't be long" Lisa smiled and leaned against the marble surface behind her, her suitcases next to her. The tall woman couldn't help but notice the strange way that Chaeyoung was acting,her best friend was talking on the phone and scanning the entire place as if she was looking for something. She kept pointing at balconies on the third and fourth floor, waving her hand and popping her head out of the door so she could see better all the while Jisoo fought to take care of a misunderstanding in the front desk. "Okay okay, I'll be here then" Chaeyoung said and approached their group once again, a huge smile plastered on her face while she walked closer to the couple.

"What's up Chaeng?" Lisa couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer, the sound of the elevator reaching the floor they were in echoing in her head almost immediately after she asked her question. Her best friend didn't even talk, she just pointed at the elevator with her eyes, Lisa following her stare as everything started to get blurry around her. There she was, Jennie Kim only having a robe wrapped around her body as she made her way out of the elevator her cat eyes covered by the pair of sunglasses she was wearing. Lisa lost it. She was frozen, unable to react in any way, she just stood there with her eyes glued on Jennie not even realizing that Evelyn was right next to her. "There's my girl!" Chaeyoung squealed and ran up to Jennie, the two of them embracing each other for a couple seconds the whole scene giving off genuine vibes.

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