chapter sixteen

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Jennie was walking down the street, her eyes scanning shop after shop. It had been quite a while since she had gone out for shopping, even though she used to do it almost every day before she was too busy keeping up with Lisa. That name alone brought shudders to her skin, the way that the images of what had went down the night before between them was something that still lingered in her head. Lisa was not wrong when she said she was not going to be able to think of anything or anyone after that. Jennie couldn't think of anything else, it was all she could think about, Lisa herself was all she could think about from the moment this little game had started. What a dangerous game right? And even though she knew how bad it was, how wrong, she was craving more and more of it like some type of addict.

Jennie, the woman who didn't latch onto anyone else before was now stuck with Lisa's image in her head. The tall woman captivated her from the first moment she layed eyes on her, the way she stood there and stared her down since the first minute was the one thing that made her obsessed with Lisa. The woman had changed of course, she was more daring and not as scared as to have her way with Jennie. It was exactly what Jennie wanted and looked for, someone to take control off of her hands for once and she had it now. Jennie couldn't help but think that how different things could have been if they met years before... When she wasn't who she was now, before everything else happened and turned her to walk down that path.

"Excuse me?" Jennie heard a voice coming from behind, soon feeling a light tap on her shoulder causing her to turn around. Well, well, what do we have here? Jennie thought as she took in the woman's figure in front of her, still trying to understand what Lisa saw in her that made her want to be with her. "Evelyn, right?" Jennie smiled politely, the woman nodding and walking in front of Jennie just so she could see her better. "I knew I recognized you, you're Lisa's partner right?" The woman asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she stood there, her posture giving away how curious and ready to stir trouble she was. Of course Jennie caught up with this, it wasn't that hard, she studied body language something that Lisa's fiancee failed to remember obviously. Maybe she didn't even know she was doing it which was the best part.

"How are you? How's life going?" Evelyn asked again and this time looked up to check which store Jennie was ready to walk in to, laughing a little before looking at Jennie once again. "Perfect, better than ever actually" Jennie said and tried to keep herself back from coming off as a rude person, if she was going to degrade her she was going to do it in the right way. Her way. "How about you?" Jennie returned the question when in reality she didn't even care what she was doing, she didn't give a damn how her life was going, but in order to get something you need to give something. "Couldn't be better, I am actually picking out a wedding dress today" Evelyn said and Jennie could feel her knees getting weaker, her breath getting caught up in the back of her throat when that sentence left Evelyn's mouth. "You know, we're getting married in November" The woman added and another wave hit her, the woman forcing a smile on her lips.

"Congratulations, Lisa is a great partner" Jennie managed to say and closed her hands in fists, smiling as much as she could. "I have to go, it was great talking to you" Jennie said and as she was ready to walk away and actually go in the store she was interested in she felt a hand grabbing her arm stopping her from doing so. "Wait, Jane" The woman said as soon as she stopped Jennie from walking away making it even more difficult for Jennie to hold everything back and not erupt that moment. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight?" Evelyn suggested, Jennie's blood boiling at this point, yanking her arm away from the woman's grasp and clearing her throat. "I'll think about it, take care" Jennie said and quickly walked in the store, her heart racing and beating out of her chest, that's how intense it was for her.

She was getting scared. She shouldn't feel like that and she hated it more than she was scared of it. Lisa, Lisa this and Lisa that. She hated it. She may have liked it and still like it, but she hate it equally at the same time. Amd she was getting married in four months, and Jennie had to accept it. She wouldn't want to care, she wouldn't want to give the impression that she had grown familiar with Lisa's touch, her voice, the way that she would roll over to her side to place and arm around Jennie when she would think that the woman was asleep. Pulling her phone out of her pocket she went to call Lisa's phone, her hand shaking a little bit when she saw the woman's name on her screen. What was she going to say? Now that she knew that Lisa was planning her wedding? Hey, are you down for a quick fuck? When did I get my morals back? Jennie thought and swallowed hard, taking a deep breath she placed the phone back where it originally was.

S U R R E N D E ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora