chapter fifty two

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Had it been an hour? It would be easier to know if she could see her surrounding, the blindfold on her face though was not allowing her to see whether the sun was still up or if it had suddenly come down or even disappeared from the sky. Her muscles were on fire, the way her legs had been staying the same position,on the same spot on the bed was making her inner thighs burn. Lisa doesn't remember the last time that she felt Jennie being so possessive and eager to make her do whatever she wanted. Because that is exactly what she did, she could, she had Lisa wrapped around her finger, she had managed to get her to the point that she didn't have any other choice but to obey on whatever Jennie wanted. Lisa could feel the beams of sweat dripping down her body, starting from her foreheads down her face and her chest down her stomach.

Jennie on the other side enjoyed her end of the deal even more every time she would see Lisa's back arch off the bed when she would touch her even the slightest. There was just something about Lisa that made her unable to stop touching her, she didn't feel like she was satisfying her enough no matter how many times she had caused the woman to scream out. Probably the neighborhood would know who lived in that house now other than Jennie's parents, she was sure that Lisa was that loud that every neighbor in her block would be able to hear her from miles away. The sight of Lisa laying on her bed, the bed she grew up to sleep on, with her legs open and her hands above her head... That was surely an image that would never leave her head from now on, it was just too perfect and extremely hot to leave her head so simply.

"J-Jen, are you there?" Lisa said in between her deep breaths the woman still trying to recover from what happened to her just minutes ago, Jennie who was laying just a few inches away from her smiling mischievously when she heard the first words leave Lisa's mouth. "Mhm, is there something wrong?" The woman asked and pushed herself on her elbows, crawling on top of Lisa until her naked body was fully laying and touching on Lisa's. "Hm?" Jennie hummed and her hand reached down to hold Lisa's left leg, pulling it up so it would bend, her arm hooking around it to hold onto it while laying on Lisa's body. "I just needed to feel you close to me," Lisa smiled and leaned her head a bit forward seeking Jennie's mouth that was only a few more inches away from her, her whole body aching but it's not like she even cared at that moment.

"Is that so? You just need me close to you?" Jennie teased her and leaned closer as well, loving to see the way that Lisa's lips searched for hers since she couldn't see due to the fabric around her eyes. Nodding and taking a deep breath, Lisa felt Jennie's nails digging into the sensitive skin of her thigh while her lips brushed against hers for a split second. "You're such a devil," Lisa said and soon felt Jennie's teeth closing in on her bottom lip, sucking and bitting it as hard as she could just so she could hear the familiar sound leaving Lisa's mouth. "Only for you," Jennie whispered and her tongue swept across the now slightly red and bleeding inside of Lisa's lip, the older woman feeling her entire body starting to burn up even more with every little thing that Jennie did.

"I want to see your face, I miss it" Lisa said all of a sudden, her low voice hitting a sensitive spot inside Jennie causing the switch to turn again. Straddling Lisa's waist, she made sure to pull off the blindfold, Lisa's eyes having some trouble adjusting to the dim light of the room. She was right, she had lost every sense of time while being in that room, blindfolded and unable to know what time it actually was. "Well, hello" Lisa laughed when her hands got freed as well, her arms opening up to take in Jennie who was ready to dive for a hug, the woman finding her safe spot which was none other than Lisa's neck. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Jennie asked concerned and her small hands examined Lisa's wrists making sure that she was not hurt in any physical way. Shaking her head Lisa simply pulled her as close as she could, planting a kiss on Jennie's forehead while they layed there.

"I still find it crazy to believe it you know," Lisa started off, her eyes looking in the distance while Jennie looked up to notice every little detail of Lisa's face while the woman talked. "I can't believe that you and I are here now, like this...Happy" Lisa added after a while, completing her thought and looking down to meet Jennie's eyes that were smiling as well just like her lips were. Even Jennie seemed to be the happiest that she had ever been, if she was somewhat happy the first days then she was ecstatic now that she was spending her time with Lisa like that. "Are you really happy like this?" Jennie asked, a hint of insecurity and worry in her voice that Lisa found incredibly cute and adorable. She just loved seeing Jennie do vulnerable, it some how made Lisa like her even more. "I really am, I almost want to thank you for invading my life you know," Lisa joked and quickly earned a pinch from Jennie, the woman pinching and twisting the skin she found on Lisa's arm causing her to cuss under her breath.

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