chapter twenty three

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"Lisa?" Chaeyoung's voice entered the room, the blinds covering the windows so no sun could invade the hotel room at all. Her eyes scanned the entire place for her best friend eventually making out Lisa's figure on the bed with her back turned to the door. "Manoban are you dead?" Chaeyoung laughed and closed the door behind her, her hand looking for the light switch so she wouldn't stumble over something and hug the floor. As soon as she hit the switch so the room would light up she heard a loud groan coming from where Lisa was laying, the woman fighting with herself and covering her head with the extra pillow next to her. "What the hell are you doing up here alone?" Chaeyoung asked while making her way towards her best friend who didn't seem willing to have a conversation or even be around other people.

"Leave me alone," Lisa said and her voice came out muffled by the pillow that was covering her entire face. Being a literal child wouldn't help her in any way but if she could push Chaeyoung away so she could have time for herself maybe she could pull herself together at some point before the day was over. "Okay listen up, you've been acting suspiciously for some time now, what is wrong?" Chaeyoung asked and this time her tone had changed completely, she sounded more cold and serious than she had ever before in her life. Of course it took Lisa by surprise, she wasn't used to Chaeyoung being the serious person in their group so to hear her talk like that was new to her. "You wouldn't understand," Lisa said and threw the pillow across the room, her dark brown eyes looking at her best friend who was now sitting next to her. 

"Try me, I'm sure it's not something I haven't heard of before" the woman laughed and reached down to grab Lisa's arms so she could pull her up as well, the two of them soon being on the same height level. "It's kind of serious, like... Way too serious and it shouldn't be happening," Lisa started off by kind of giving Chaeyoung a general idea of her big fuck up, a fuck up that included the girl's old friend apparently. This could actually make things worse in Chaeyoung's mind, if she came clean about having some sort of relationship with Jennie maybe Chaeyoung would be extra harsh on her. "I can agree on that," Chaeyoung spoke up suddenly, her words causing Lisa to pause and ponder for a moment before she snapped out of it again. "Wait, what?" Lisa then realized what her friend has actually said, sitting up and placing a pillow on her lap so she could rest her elbows on it and support her head.

"Friends talk Lisa" the girl in front of her sighed and took a moment of silence, processing the thoughts in her head so she could find the appropriate thing to say. If only Lisa had done that she wouldn't be as miserable as she was at the moment. "I'm not stupid, I see things as well" she added after a while and pulled her phone out of her pocket, going through her gallery and finding immediately the one picture that someone else had taken of Lisa sleeping and the one taking the picture was also in the photo. "When you go missing for hours at a time for no apparent reason, why do you think no one calls to see where you are?" Chaeyoung asked and handed Lisa the phone, her eyes glued on the screen while her heart was racing in her chest.

"If we had this conversation a month ago, I'd tell you to be careful" Chaeyoung spoke up again and took the phone from her friend's hand, Lisa looking at her with a look of understanding painted all over her face. "Jennie or Jane, whatever you want to call her, is particularly harsh. I don't blame her at all, she does what she has to do." Chaeyoung explained and it seemed like this story would slowly start to unravel, maybe Jisoo was right when she suggested talking to Chaeyoung since the girl knew things about Jennie. "She tried a lot to build that wall around her, the wall that eventually pushed people away from her but yet again, she had to do it" Her best friend went on while Lisa sat there all ears, her heart still beating the hell out of her chest. She was scared of finding out something she couldn't take no matter how eager she was to know.

"Behind all of that though there's something else which I'm sure you have discovered by now. It would make sense why you start falling for her" Chaeyoung pointed out and that was when Lisa had her first objection, raising her hand to pause her best friend who must have gotten carried away to say such thing. "Fake news, Chaeng," Lisa laughed but Chaeyoung wasn't buying any of the bullshit that Lisa was serving her, how could she when she had seen the way that Lisa practically drooled over Jennie whenever she was around them? "Your denial is faker than the fact that you actually like her, Lisa" Chaeyoung  said all serious again making sure that Lisa understood that she wasn't being sarcastic or anything like that. "Jennie has rough years when she first came to Korea, if I could prevent it from happening I would but we started hanging out after everything went down" the woman truthfully admitted now feeling her own chest hurting as well as she recollected the early years of her friendship with Jennie.

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