chapter five

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It had been a whole week. A whole week since that joke had started and didn't seem to come to an end. Lisa was still getting texts, calls that she tried her best to ignore and she was surprised when it worked in a way. Things were getting quieter once again when she noticed that Jennie wasn't trying to reach her anymore, so much for not giving up and being sure that she was going what she wanted. On one side Lisa was glad that it had calmed down since all those thoughts left her head, the ones that involved Jennie. Even though she didn't want to cheat or something near those lines, she couldn't deny that there hadn't been a moment when she wanted to give in. That day that she last saw her, that afternoon that she ran away and got back to her car, driving away like a scared cat. Lisa couldn't help but think what could have happened if she didn't leave, if she stayed and put her foot down.

"Let me deprive you of your boring routine" that was the last thing she ever heard her saying, that sentence and offer at the same time never failing to send shivers don her spine since she knew exactly what Jennie was referring to. But Lisa never had a problem with Evelyn, she wasn't bored of her, she was just tired and over the way that they lived. Maybe they didn't have all those intimate times that they used to have but she was not bored of her, if she was she wouldn't choose to propose to her, isn't that right? "God damn you Jane" Lisa said and kept looking at the last texts she got from her, locking her phone and throwing it to her side, her eyes looking up from where she was sitting and fixing on Evelyn. "What's wrong?" The woman asked and approached Lisa, sitting beside her and feeling an arm wrap around her and bringing her close, Lisa planting a small kiss on her fiance's lips before she pulled away. "Nothing, I just missed you, is it bad?" Lisa asked and kissed her again, Evelyn placing a hand on the back of Lisa's head, the woman pulling back quickly after feeling her fiance's hand.

"Are you okay?" Evelyn asked and pinched Lisa's cheek, Lis nodding quickly and clearing her throat a little bit since it harder to breathe. Well, Jennie wasn't there anymore invading her life bu her presence still lingered inside Lisa's head and as much as she hated it she didn't always push them away. It pissed her off because it had only been a week, a week of knowing her and for some reason her dark and twisted ways somehow managed to make their way into her head as well. Looking at her phone that was a couple inches away she took the thought of answering to the texts almost immediately out of her head when she saw Evelyn looking at her in a loving way. "Oh I forgot to tell you," The woman said and changed her position on the couch, her hand taking Lisa's in it, Lisa focusing 100% on her fiance. "I'll be heading to Busan this weekend, investors came in and it's pretty urgent" Evelyn sighed and leaned closer to Lisa, placing her head on the woman's chest soon feeling her hand caressing her face in a loving way.

"You should go, it's a good opportunity for you" Lisa said and saw Evelyn's head look up instantly, the woman smiling and smashing her lips with Lisa's, her hands cupping the woman's face. "I love you" Evelyn said and got up, running in the bedroom of the apartment just so she could start packing. It seemed as if she was hesitant of telling her that she would have to go. Maybe she knew that it would upset her, and it did since she was the one gone only a week ago, going all around Korea for the projects that she was being a part of. But for the same exact reason she couldn't prevent her from going, Evelyn needed that promotion as much as she needed to win that title as the photographer of the year. Maybe the fact that she would have time on her hands, being alone in her house it would help her relieve some of the stress she was feeling lately. Maybe that small trip to Busan would help her fiance as well and once she was back she would be refreshed, ready to start over with this whole living under the same roof thing.

Lisa was fast pulled out of her thoughts when she heard her phone ringing, jumping on the spot she was sitting and grabbing the phone picking it up immediately when she saw the number of her studio calling her. "Liz, what's up?" Lisa asked worried, she wasn't used to have calls come from the studio in the middle of the day or... Ever actually. The only times that she ever got calls was when Liz her secretary was new in the job or when someone that wasn't supposed t come in came in such as customers that had never heard of an appointment. "I'm sorry ms Manoban, I totally forgot to write it down" The girl said, probably referring to an appointment, well scratch that it wasn't always the customer's fault after all. Sighing Lisa got up and looked at the time on the clock. "I'll be there in a couple minutes. just let them pass and I'll be on my way" Lisa said hanging up as soon as she finished her sentence, heading to the bedroom and bumping into Evelyn that looked at her confused.

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