In Which She Is Betrayed By The Viking

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The terrace restaurant was airy with a green and white striped awning above our heads and a picture of a beach on a tapestry hung on the wall. We were seated on the ochre wicker chairs with comfortable cushions and round, glass tables in between us with beautiful vases of flowers and pale floral napkins. All of us could view the glorious ocean and the tiny figures swimming in the water. The waitress came out with a large tray and an equally big smile on her face.

"When will he come?" Josiah asked a bit uneasily, his eyes flickering to the countless plates of food set on the table.

I took a fork and stabbed the cheesy fries, shoving them in my mouth and speaking, "He should come soon. Or else, who will pay?"

"He's here," Josiah said and I turned back to see the Viking gravely approaching us.

"How did it go?" I asked with a mouthful of burger.

His eyes were cold and they swept over the tranquil ocean below us. "Carlos is married to a woman." I quietly gulped water, the silence stretching so far that it became immensely awkward. Then tiny giggles escaped his lips till he was laughing, shaking the table and tears forming in his eyes. "But his marriage is falling apart! That poor guy! His wife is a devil!"

Josiah and I exchanged an uncertain look mingled with surprise before we burst out laughing too.

The Viking mischievously reached across the table and gave me a high-five. "How miserable he is!"

"Is that a good thing?" Josiah voiced his opinion and I shushed him.

"I'm happy it's all solved then!" I exclaimed, returning the high-five. "You'll find another lover soon."

The Viking shrugged and suddenly, my phone rang. I was flummoxed that there was network here. The call was from my mother and I picked it up.

"How are you, dear?" she questioned shakily.

"Oh mommy, I accidentally stole an animal then I was held hostage by a creepy couple and the Viking rescued us, but then an accident occurred---"

"Willa, I can't deal with your lies anymore," she interrupted wearily.

I said, "But, I swear that I'm not lying---"

"I know that you don't want to stay there. I have arranged everything, don't worry. My flight will arrive in the evening and---"

"No, no, no!" I protested, my eyes connecting with the Viking and Josiah in fear. I didn't want to leave them. "I like it here---"

I could hear my mother crying. "Oh, Willa, what a horrible thing I did to you! I shouldn't have let your summer go to waste, my poor child. Don't worry now, your father and I are planning a trip with you to Bali. How does that sound? You always wanted to go there."

Through a veil of tears, I watched the glimmering waters of the ocean crash on the sand.

"I know you're on the South coast. I have talked to your uncle. He'll take you to the station and you'll reach quicker back by train," she explained and my eyes widened at the traitor.

With trembling hands, I cut the call and dashed out of the restaurant.

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A Viking, Willa, Josiah And His Lamb In A Truck | ✔Where stories live. Discover now