In Which She Throws A Shoe At The Viking

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The lanky man who had bravely stepped out was now cowering in the formidable presence of the Viking.

"Come out," the Viking commanded to me, barely sparing a glance at the man.

The offended man now puffed his chest out and standing on his tip-toes, tried seeing the Viking eye-to-eye. I was cringing on my seat as the unaffected Viking was trying to address me without the mutt blocking his way. I had to act on my own account as soon as possible. Before he could shove the mutt aside and take us back with him, I impulsively removed my shoe and giving out a war cry, aimed it straight at him.

It flew and hit him on the chest with the softest thud as he squinted at the tiny object. Taking advantage of the confusion of the situation, I hurriedly grabbed the mutt in, slammed the door shut and yelled at the mutt's wife to start the van.

We sped away with the mutt on my lap, Josiah wide-eyed in the back and the wife driving the van with trembling hands, her eyes constantly flickering to the side-view mirror. 

"He's after us!" she shrieked in a shrill voice and indeed, I could see a vague, red spot of the Viking's truck at a distance.

"Turn left! Turn left!" I screamed and she stupidly swerved right, the van tumbling into a rocky lane. We were bouncing with the vehicle on the gravel road, the skinny man who was now squeezed beside me had his head hit multiple times on the roof which elicited a string of 'ows' from his mouth. I was grateful for my short stature, nonetheless, irritated at the predicament we all were stuck in.

Fortunately, the Viking seemed to have lost track of us and soon the bumpy road tapered to a smoother one and we all became silent.

I settled in the back of the van with Josiah who shot me a frightened look. "What are we going to do?"

"We'll call the police first and report that lunatic," said the woman in a calmer voice and her husband nodded vigorously in agreement, pumped at having the supposed kidnapper punished. "You both are welcome to stay at our house."

"That'll be great!" I exclaimed and Josiah dubiously glanced at me. Sighing, I said in a pleading voice, "Let's not call the police, please. My boyfriend here and I are very tired. We just want to rest. I hope you understand what we mean . . . "

"Okay, sure dear.  We'll deal with those matters later. First, let's get some food and rest. It must have been horrible to deal with that monster . . . Poor you both!" She shuddered as I suppressed my grin.

Josiah who hadn't paid any heed to the exciting label of my boyfriend that I had conferred upon him, was disconcerted and mutely watched the fluffy clouds move with our van.

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A Viking, Willa, Josiah And His Lamb In A Truck | ✔Where stories live. Discover now