In Which She Goes Back To The Freaks

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The Viking stormed out, inspecting the truck. Josiah, the lamb and I scrambled out after him. I flashed my torchlight for help and we discovered a huge dent on my uncle's beloved truck. There was thin smoke coming out of the hood. The Viking's fierce eyes met mine in the darkness and I began, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything! I was scared!"

Not expecting an apology, the Viking grunted, unable to admonish me further.

I sighed in relief and to test the waters, I asked, "What will we do now?"

Not replying to me, he addressed Josiah, "Go in and see if it's starting."

Josiah nodded and once trying his hand at the truck, he shouted, "Not starting, sir!"

"Damn it." He raised his foot to nearly kick the truck but held himself back.

"There's no network here either," I said, checking my phone. Scoffing, the Viking strode away from us and I called, "Where are you going?"

"Back to the house!"

"House? Which house? Oh, you mean- please don't tell me you mean the house of those freaks," I said in a pleading voice, sidling beside him.

"I wish I left you with them." He sneered at me and I shivered in fright.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand intertwining with mine.

"Don't worry, he's joking," Josiah said, not letting go of my hand despite the lamb's bleating protests.

With my heart thumping more from Josiah's hold than from the fear of confronting those weirdos, I followed the Viking to the house. The atmosphere was spooky as if something sinister lurked over the house in the night. The Viking swung the door open without permission and stepped in, his daunting frame made him seem like the monster.

The couple who were huddled together in the living room, sprang on their legs and before they could open their mouth, the Viking yelled, "Shut up!"

A petrifying silence fell over them as they clung to each other.

"Where is the toolbox?" he demanded but received silence in response. Before he could repeat himself in a more menacing tone, the skinny man weakly pointed towards the kitchen cabinet. The Viking before advancing there threatened the couple, "Dare you to touch these two kids. You will not live to see another day."

The Viking moved towards the kitchen. Josiah had a look of pity registered on his face for the couple while I smugly smiled until my eyes locked into the woman's who mouthed something like 'please come back.' I shifted closer to Josiah who squeezed my hand in reassurance.

Once we got our toolbox, we left (with Josiah and the Viking at my side, I had the courage to stick my tongue out at the creeps) and the truck was soon fixed. I joined Josiah and the lamb in the back, my heart still racing being so close to him and I felt that I would die because of dislocation of heart every time he smiled good-naturedly at me. The Viking drove for the entire rest of the night and resting my head on Josiah's shoulder, I found myself fast asleep in minutes.

"Willa, wake up," I heard a hoarse whisper and my eyes fluttered open to see the earliest rays of the sun illuminating Josiah's caramel face. His coils of curls shone like gold finger rings and I felt his arm around my waist. A little, sly smile crept on my face from the epiphany that he had cuddled me!

I blinked slowly, pretending to be unaware of our proximity. "What happened?"

"We arrived!" he exclaimed, turning and leaning against the side-gate. "The ocean, Willa! We're here!"

(A/N : thirty chapters done, please do vote, comment and share if you have been liking so far!)

(A/N : thirty chapters done, please do vote, comment and share if you have been liking so far!)

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A Viking, Willa, Josiah And His Lamb In A Truck | ✔Where stories live. Discover now