In Which She Is Attacked By A Fat, Furry Fuck

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I literally shat.

The little boy smirked and started running with the camera. I frantically retrieved tissues from my pocket and began wiping my ass with them, my eyes focused searchingly ahead at the bushes for the boy. Once I was done, I pulled my pants up and dashed ahead.

My heart thumped in my chest as I stopped, the sweltering heat burning my back.

There was some shuffling behind one bush and I let out a war cry, darting towards it. "You little shit!"

Instead of finding that cheeky boy, my hands accidentally grabbed something large and furry with the face of a rat. I shrieked as a shudder ran through my body, letting go of it. That fat, furry fuck scurried over my body which was in Fowler's position and tears rolled down my face.

Suddenly, I heard loud cackles of laughter and I whirled around to find that boy with the camera.

Once again, I chased that little rascal. My chest was heaving up and down and even though I had the stamina of an old lady, I also had the willpower of a bankrupt businessman evading his debtors. Soon, I tackled him down and began wrestling with him for the camera.

"Stop! Mummy, mummy!" he screeched and I imitated him in a shrill voice, pinning him down.

"I won't leave you till you give me the bloody camera," I threatened, stretching my one hands towards his grimy face.

He was clutching the camera like his life depended on it and his eyes squinted at my hand. I was grinning at him. I didn't anticipate his next move when he tilted his head up and bit on my hand like a venomous snake.

I fell back in shock, the searing agony making me curse certain words that didn't make much sense when I recalled the events of this adventurous day later.

"Fatherfucking, motherfucking, familyfucking bastard!" I gritted my teeth and through a veil of fresh tears, saw the blurry figure disappear to a tiny cottage faraway. Gathering my leftover dignity, I limped like a war victim towards the truck where a clueless Josiah, his lamb and the Viking were waiting for me.

The Viking approached me. "What took you so long?"

"Some take longer time to shit, okay?" I snarled and the more they stared inquisitively at me, the more the tears welled up in my eyes.

Josiah placed his hand on my shaking shoulder. "What happened?"

"A-A boy . . . " I trailed off and sniffed. "H-He has my nudes . . . Something like nudes . . . I don't know if they count as nudes . . . B-But . . . "

Both of them looked confused. The Viking asked, "What? How?"

"Well . . . I was shitting . . . " I took a glimpse of a red-faced Josiah and continued, "This boy comes and takes a picture of me."

The Viking became The Viking when he heard that as his chest swelled up in anger. He bellowed, "Where is he?"

I pointed to the distant cottage and he marched towards it before I had the chance to mention a totally insignificant detail- the boy's age.


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A Viking, Willa, Josiah And His Lamb In A Truck | ✔Where stories live. Discover now