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Drawing is of Casin around age 15.

Endor: 4 ABY

Cheers of joy came over the comms as the second Death Star erupted into a ball of light. From the gun turrets, Zel was shouting in delight. Ryn leaned back in her seat and let her hand fall on Azie's silver dome.

"Do you think we finally won now?" She laughed.

"Vader and the Emperor were on that space station. They're dead and so is the Empire," Jess said firmly. He resituated Casin on his knee.

Zel joined them momentarily, slipping into her seat. She held out her arms and Jess past over her little brother. "So now what?" She asked.

"Now we figure out where everyone is going and go with them," Ryn replied. "There's going to be a huge celebration."

Jess grinned at her as she passed her kyber crystal necklace down to Casin. Previously, she had worried that he'd try to eat it, although she had long since lost that concern. Casin giggled as he took the crystal.

Jess bit his lip, waiting to see what he'd do. Ryn glanced at Jess, then watched Casin as well. "Do you think he'll do it again?" She asked.

Zel was watching too. "Look!" She whispered excitedly. Azie cooed as Casin raised his hands and the crystal floated between them. Jess laced his fingers with Ryn's.

"The galaxy will finally be a safe place for him to grow up in," Ryn sighed with relief. "He'll be able to use his gift. Maybe we can even ask Luke to teach him when he's older."

Jess shook his head and smiled. "Who would have thought that a clone would be a Jedi's father?"

Ryn shrugged. "Not the Jedi."

He laughed at that one. "Come on. I thought we had a party to get to." They switched course and headed down to the moon of Endor. Wreckage of the Death Star hung within space, but Jess chose to ignore it. Four years before, they had destroyed the first Death Star.

With the second, they had destroyed the last evil within the galaxy. It was safe once again. Jess glanced at his wife and kids, and even Azie. He'd make sure that it stayed safe for them. He always had, and he always would.

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