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Yavin 4: 12 BBY
Rebel Base
Feylin Ryles

    They reached Yavin 4 shortly. A few medics were waiting outside of the base when they landed. Arwen quickly pushed Ryn's hover off the ship. Feylin followed close behind them.

    They entered a stone room filled with all sorts of medical supplies. The doctors lowered Ryn's hover onto a set of legs and switched off the antigravity. Arwen began to fill them in on the situation. Feylin sat down next to Ryn, waiting for them to finish.

    The door hissed open again and Senator Mon Mothma entered. Arwen and the other doctors were still locked in conversation. Feylin straightened as the senator approached her. "How is Captain Alera doing?" She asked gently.

    "I don't know. She looks a lot better now than she did yesterday, but Arwen said the internal damage is pretty bad. She's afraid Ryn might have amnesia when she wakes up," Feylin replied.

    "I'm sorry to hear that. I know Doctor Mezela will do everything she can for Ryn."

    "I just hope Ryn will wake up soon," Feylin sighed.

    "While you're here, would you mind if I gave you a job?" The Senator asked, suddenly.

    "What kind of job?"

    "We have several new recruits coming in. Admiral Raddus told me you're a gifted pilot. I was wondering if you'd agree to help do some teaching," Mon Mothma asked.

    They really want me to stay busy, don't they? Feylin groaned inwardly. Then, she scolded herself. Stop it. You're sixteen years old and the leaders of the Rebellion want you to train pilots. How many people get that opportunity? She glanced up, realizing she hadn't answered yet. "Of course, Senator. I can help."

    "Excellent. I'll let General Merrik know. The recruits will be here tomorrow and that's when their training will start. I expect the General will come find you when you're needed." A gentle smile slid onto her elegant face. The Senator placed a hand on Feylin's shoulder. "Jess and Ryn are very lucky to have a friend like you around. I'm sure Ryn will be all right."

    Feylin smiled back, but didn't reply. At last, Arwen finished talking with the others. She joined Feylin and led her back out of the medical room. "What did Senator Mon Mothma need?"

    "She asked if I'd help General Merrik train some new recruits when they arrive tomorrow," Feylin replied. "I agreed."

    "Good. I think you'll get along with General Merrik. Cassian is supposed to get back soon too, I heard."

    "What about Jess?"

    "One of my colleagues said the Senators are expecting an update from him shortly. We can ask Senator Organa about it, if you want," Arwen suggested. Feylin nodded. They changed course immediately and headed deeper into the base.

    Senator Organa was standing beside a holotable with General Draven and a few other officers when they arrived. "Doctor Mezela, Feylin, what brings you here?" He asked. Bail moved away from the holotable and joined them. Feylin could see the outline of a hologram being projected from it, but couldn't hear what was being said.

    "We brought Captain Alera here for some more help," Arwen replied.

    "Ah, I heard about that. I hope she'll pull through." He fixed a sympathetic gaze on Feylin.

    "I was wondering if you'd heard anything from Jess," Feylin said, ignoring his look.

    Senator Organa sighed and narrowed his eyes. "We have, but I'm afraid I can't disclose any information from him."

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