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Kessel: 13 BBY
Marg Krim's Palace

    Jess glanced down at Ryn worriedly. She continued to fade in and out of consciousness as they ran towards the landing platform. Luckily, they hadn't run into anymore guards. He guessed they were being sent to deal with the other rebels. Briefly, Jess wondered if the the green Twi'lek girl had found Cassian and Azie yet.

    His question was soon answered. He rounded a corner and came face to face with the other three. "How is she?" The Twi'lek asked, falling in step with him.

    "Getting worse. Hopefully the drug won't last long." The crystal around his neck flickered warmly, matching with Ryn's drifting consciousness. "Did you find anything?" Jess asked Cassian.

    "Yeah, there was a lot actually. Azie downloaded what he could," Cassian replied.

    The palace shook again. Glass and marble crashed onto the floor. Jess bent over Ryn until the debris ceased falling. They took off running again. The platform doorway was just ahead and the ship was still there.

    They burst through the door and surged onto the ship just as the X-wings made another pass. Proton torpedos smashed against the palace, sending debris falling.

    "Cass, can you take off?" Jess called.

    "Don't worry about it. Take care of her," Cassian shouted back.

    Jess nodded and ducked into the cabin. Cassian, the Twi'lek girl, and Azie rushed into the cockpit. After a few minutes, Jess felt the ship take off. He gently set Ryn down on his bunk and pulled out the med kit stored close by.

    Ryn's eyes fluttered open when he turned back. She groaned, her hand drifting to her neck. Her fingers wrapped around the collar and she tugged on it. Ryn sat up, panic filling her unseeing eyes. She cried out, jerking on the collar.

    "Ryn, hey, calm down," Jess grabbed her hands and pulled them away from the collar. He lifted her lekku gently and switched it off. The collar fell free of her neck. Jess kicked it to the floor and crushed it beneath his boot.

    He turned back, anger pricking at his mind. Bruises ringed her neck from the collar. Her palms were slashed and still dripping blood. More bruises lined her arms and wrists. Jess pulled the medical kit closer and took out some supplies. He swiftly cleaned the wounds on her hands and wrapped them with a bacta patch and bandages.

    Ryn hissed in pain briefly, her eyes flittering from side to side. "Jess," she whispered.

    "Yes?" He glanced up and returned the rest of the medical supplies to the kit.

    "You're bleeding," she whispered, pointing to his cheek.

    He raised a hand to his face and felt the marks where Ryn had cupped his face. "It's ok. I'll be fine."

    She leaned closer, tracing a finger over his scar. "Is it from this?"

    He smiled softly and moved her hand away. "No."

    Confusion filled her already cloudy eyes. "Was it Allum? He wanted me. Did he fight you for me?"

    Jess furrowed his brow, then remembered the angry Falleen who had been searching for her. "Don't worry. I'm not hurt. I need to go check on the others." He stood, then paused as Ryn grabbed his hand suddenly.

    "Don't leave! They'll take me again and kill you!" She gasped. Tears filled her eyes. "You were dead but now you're not. Don't leave. Don't let them kill you."

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