Senate Commission

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The drawing is of Zel around the age of 16.

Yavin 4: 0 BBY
Rebel Base

Jess entered the command center and joined the other officers around a holotable. There weren't many of them there today, only Admiral Raddus, General Dodonna, General Draven, and himself. "You said you needed me, Admiral?" He asked, turning towards Raddus.

"Yes, we've got a mission for you." He leaned over the holotable and switched it on. A hologram of Senator Mon Mothma and Senator Organa appeared. "Senators, he's here."

"Very good, Admiral," Senator Organa said. He turned towards Jess. "General, I'll be blunt. This mission is exceedingly dangerous." Jess crossed his arms, his thoughts drifting to his young daughter, but he nodded and Senator Mon Mothma continued.

"Our contact, Fulcrum, has given us some new information. There are rumors that the Empire is creating a new weapon. We don't know what kind, or the magnitude of it."

"Wait, I thought Captain Andor was already investigating that," General Draven interrupted.

"He is, but the more we can learn, the better," she replied. "Jess, we want you and Ryn to attend a function on Coruscant. Someone is hosting a ball for the Imperial shareholders and benefactors. Bail and I can sneak you in and you will learn all you can."

"When is the function?" Jess asked.

"Tomorrow night," Senator Organa said. "You'll need to leave as soon as possible."

"I understand this is asking a lot, especially with your daughter, but the Rebellion needs this. In addition to whatever Captain Andor finds out, we might have a chance at defeating this weapon before it ever appears," Senator Mon Mothma added.

Jess nodded slowly. "All right. We'll be there."

The Senators smiled at him gratefully as the hologram ended. "Good luck, Jess," Admiral Raddus said.

"Thank you, Admiral." Jess dipped his head to the others and left the command center. He spotted Arwen across the yard with Ryn and Zel in tow. He sprinted over to them quickly.

"Dad, look what I can do!" Zel called, spotting him. She took a running start and did a front handspring. "Tolsa taught me!"

Jess quickly let the purple Twi'lek's face surface in his mind. She was one of the newer arrivals, accompanying General Syndulla and the Ghost Crew. They'd left on a mission and she'd remained to help with any relief missions available. "Well done," he said, reaching them.

"Come on, Azie. We had that thing, remember?" Zel wrapped her arms around the droid with a laugh. He whistled excitedly and the two of them darted away.

"Eleven years old and as troublesome as the two of you," Arwen laughed.

"More so," Jess replied. "At least she keeps Azie entertained."

"So what did they want?" Ryn asked.

"Senator Organa and Senator Mon Mothma want us to go undercover at an Imperial function on Coruscant," Jess explained. He quickly recapped the details of the briefing.

A look of concern crossed Ryn's features. "What about Zel?"

"I can take care of her," Arwen said. "The Senators are right. I've heard some of the rumors about this weapon. If the Senators asked for the two of you, you know it's important."

Ryn bit her lip, thinking, then sighed. "I suppose we don't have much of a choice. We should take Azie with, in case we find anything important." Close by, Zel and Azie were returning. Zel was laughing and Azie whirred mischievously. "Zel," Ryn called.

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