Thieves of the Rebellion

961 31 11

Yavin 4: 13 BBY
Rebel Base
Ryn Alera

Two humans and a Mon Calamari were waiting inside the room. The red headed woman smiled at her warmly and beckoned them over to the holotable. "The Mon Calamari is Admiral Raddus," Jess whispered. Ryn nodded and took her place beside him.

"I'm Senator Mon Mothma," the woman said, still smiling. "You're Ryn Alera, correct?"

"Yes," Ryn dipped her head.

"This is Admiral Raddus and Senator Bail Organa," Mon Mothma motioned to the two others. "We understand that you want to join the Rebellion."

"I've wanted to for a while," Ryn replied.

"Then it's a good thing we're always looking for more troops. You, Jess, and your droid will be under Admiral Raddus's command. You may soon enough be meeting with his fleet." 

"What about Feylin?" Ryn motioned to the Twi'lek beside her.

"If she wishes, she may go with you too. Cassian," Mon Mothma turned to the boy. "You will be joining them as well. This will give you some actual combat training. General Draven asked that we give you more actual assignments. It would be good for you to learn with people already experienced."

Cassian grinned broadly and nodded. "Yes, Senator."

"I'll leave you to it, then. I must leave for Coruscant shortly. Bail, shall I wait for you?" Mon Mothma turned to the dark haired man.

He shook his head. "I need to brief them on their next assignment first. I'll leave when we've finished." Mon Mothma nodded and the door hissed shut as she left the room. Bail switched on the holotable. Instantly, the map of a planet appeared.

"This mission requires a small team who is skilled at blending in," Admiral Raddus explained. "We chose you five for that purpose."

"I'm sending two Alderaanian cruisers to the planet Dantooine. The ships will claim to be on a relief mission. The Empire will be monitoring them the entire time they're there. You are going to steal the ships and drop the supplies they carry at the Rebel Base there. After that, bring the cruisers back here," Bail added.

"Will you be on Dantooine when this is happening?" Jess asked.

"No, but my protocol droid will. Don't leave him behind.  Think you can handle it?"

"Yes, Sir." Jess furrowed his brow, examining the planet.

"The cruisers will be here and the supply drop point is on the far side of the planet," Admiral Raddus said, pointing to two spots on the map.

"What do the Imperial numbers look like there?" Jess asked.

"They have a few garrisons, but no heavy equipment or ships. The Empire mostly occupies Dantooine for farms," Bail replied. "It shouldn't be too difficult."

Jess straightened and nodded. "All right."

"I'll have the ships deployed soon. Admiral Raddus will tell you when to leave." Without another word, the senator whirled and headed out of the room.

"Let's go get the ship ready," Ryn said. She led the rest of them out of the command center.

    Feylin fell in step beside her, eyes wide with excitement. "I've never done anything like this before. It's so exciting." Then, she furrowed her brows as her gaze darkened. "What if I mess something up?"

    "You won't," Ryn promised. "Jess has seen a lot of action and I've seen my own fair share. Just stick close to one of us and you'll be fine."

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