Fathier Chase

708 41 23

Cantonica: 13 BBY
Canto Bight Casino
Ryn Alera

    Ryn followed Jess out of the casino, anxiety racing through her stomach. Azie had already left to complete his own job. She still wasn't sure if their new plan would work. They had to manage to outrun Qi'ra's agents and the Empire while Azie stole back the Remnant.

    She glanced at Jess and tried to ignore the feeling that fluttered in her stomach, amidst the anxiety. When he had grabbed her earlier, her heart had raced, but not from fear. Still, her cheeks felt warmer than normal. She knew she had handled the situation poorly, but he had taken her by surprise.

    He won't join the Rebellion because he's afraid it will put me in danger? I've already been in danger though. First on the Star Destroyer, then Bracca and Florrum, and now! He never seemed overly worried before. She shook herself out of her thoughts as they reached their meeting spot with Lando.

    "Where's Han?" Jess asked.

    "He's on his way to the rendezvous point with Chewie," Lando replied. "He's cutting through the tall grass and we managed to steal a fathier so he's traveling fast."

    "The Empire hasn't spotted him yet?" Ryn asked.

    Lando shook his head. "Truthfully, it's only Qi'ra's agents that are after Han. The Empire is here for him."

    Ryn didn't need to see Jess's face to know the look of surprise that was displayed there. His helmet masked it from Lando. "How did they know?"

    "Qi'ra must have told them as soon as I helped Han escape," Lando replied. "Now, we have to hurry. Han is making fast time but Qi'ra's agents are still causing him trouble. The Empire is on speeders while the agents are on foot."

    "What's the plan?" Ryn asked.

    "You two should cover for Han," Jess said.

    "What? No, we can't split up!" Ryn crossed her arms.

    Jess shook his head. "The Empire isn't after the two of you so you won't draw their attention. I'll distract them so that you can handle Qi'ra's agents."

    Lando put a hand on Ryn's shoulder, but she shrugged it off. Ryn fixed a hard glare on Jess, then nodded. "Let's hurry. We don't have long to catch up," Lando said.

    Someone cleared their throat behind them. Ryn whirled, her hand immediately on her blaster. A young boy met her gaze. His eyes widened fearfully, spying her movement. Two other children were with him and they each led a saddled fathier.

    "Here. We thought you might need help," the boy whispered. He held the creature's reins towards her.

    Ryn moved her hand away from her blaster and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you." He smiled meekly and melted back into the shadowy stable. Lando and Jess each took one of the other fathiers. Ryn mounted swiftly.

    "The agents are this way. We have to lead them away from Han," Lando explained. "Try to split them up if you can." He flicked the animal's reins and galloped away.

    Ryn nudged the fathier into a tight circle, keeping it from bolting. "Be careful. I'll come as soon as I can."

    "You too." Jess whirled and galloped away without another word.

    "All right. Let's go help Han." She flicked the reins and they took off galloping through the long grass.

    The fathier moved gracefully beneath her, clearing clumps of mud and rocks. Ryn could hear the beach close by and the sound of rushing waterfalls. A shout caught her attention shortly. Two of Qi'ra's guards had spotted her. Ryn ducked just as they fired their blasters. The fathier let out a cry and put on a burst of speed.

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