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Alderaan: 12 BBY

Ahsoka directed them towards a sector within the glimmering city. They touched down on a landing platform and disembarked shortly. Senator Organa was already there, accompanied by a man, a woman, and a young Togruta girl. The girl, Ania, he assumed, smiled broadly and ran to her mother. They hugged each other tightly, then Ahsoka straightened.

She put her hands on her daughter's shoulders as she spoke with Bail. "The clones recovered these Imperial officer code cylinders. I imagine there will be some use for them?" Ahsoka past them to the Senator.

"I'll make sure there's something recovered from them," Bail promised.

"Thank you, Senator. I'll be in contact soon." She turned to Axe and Jess. "Thank you for agreeing to come after me."

"You're welcome," Jess replied.

"Anytime, Commander," Axe said with a smirk.

She smirked back, then held a hand out to Ania. "Come. Let's get going."

"Your ship is right where you left it," Bail called. Ahsoka nodded over her shoulder and waved to Axe and Jess. They watched her go for a moment, before turning back to the Senator. The man and woman were already leaving. "Thank you for your help," Senator Organa said.

"It's good to get back in the action sometimes," Axe replied.

"You know there's a place for you in the Rebellion if you want it."

Axe smiled but shook his head. "I already told you how Irel feels about that. We want to stay out of the fight until our son is older."

"I understand that." Senator Organa put his hand on Axe's shoulder. "All the same, remember my offer."

"I will." Axe dipped his head towards Bail, then headed back towards the ship.

"I'm sure you're anxious to get going. I heard what happened to Ryn."

"Do you have any updates on her? I haven't heard anything since I left," Jess replied. He crossed his arms, brows furrowed with worry.

"I'm sorry, I never saw her while I was there. All I heard is she still wasn't awake. They're afraid she might not remember things when she does wake up."

Jess raised a hand to his mouth, thinking briefly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You're a good soldier, Jess. The Rebellion is lucky to have you." Senator Organa smiled. His gaze flickered to the ship behind them. "I think your droid is ready to leave."

Jess turned and spied Azie waiting on the boarding ramp. His whirled his dome around in agitation and whistled. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" Jess called. He raced towards the ship, leaving the Senator behind them. He let his hand brush over Azie's dome as he ran past. The droid broke off his excited spinning and followed him onto the ship.

"I'll drop you off on Yavin 4 before I head home," Axe said as they entered the cockpit. Jess nodded and took his seat. They lifted off and made the jump to hyperspace as soon as they cleared the atmosphere.

Yavin 4: 12 BBY
Rebel Base
Feylin Ryles

    She stood next to General Merrik, watching the new pilots go over the inner workings of the X-wings. A few of them were inspecting the engines and cockpits. "We'll start them on flight simulators and once they've progressed, we'll start on actual flying," General Merrik said.

    "That sounds like a plan," Feylin agreed.

    "Feylin!" She turned, hearing Arwen's shout. The doctor appeared outside the command center, waving a hand.

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