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Kuat: 11 BBY
"Broken Remnant"
Ryn Alera

They reached the fleet's coordinates and dropped out of hyperspace shortly. Ryn switched the comms on. A hologram of Admiral Raddus and Commander Sato appeared. "General, it's good to see you again. Was your mission successful?" Raddus asked.

    "Yes, Sir. We managed to help the Rebels escape," she replied.

    "Bring them on board the Profundity." She nodded and the hologram disappeared. Azie chirped behind her and Mirk and Elide jumped awake.

"Are we back?" Elide asked, a yawn cutting her off.

"Yeah," Feylin replied.

"I'm going to sleep for two days to make up for the two days where I didn't sleep," Mirk drawled.

Ryn glanced back as Captain Pol entered the cockpit. "We're taking you to the flagship," she explained. "Admiral Raddus will want to speak with you."

"I'll tell the others," Pol said. He turned back towards the cargo hold where the other rebels were waiting. Ryn leaned against the control panel, rubbing her forehead.

"Are you all right?" Feylin asked.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." She straightened as they approached the Profundity. Ryn brought the ship down towards the main hangar and set them down gently. The boarding ramp hissed open and Captain Pol led the others off the ship. Mirk and Elide followed close behind them.

"Come on. I wonder if Jess is back." Feylin grabbed Ryn's arm and pulled her to her feet. Azie whistled and rolled off the ship after them.

Admiral Raddus, Commander Sato, and Lieutenant Reese were already waiting across the hangar. Ryn craned her neck to see around them. She spotted Mal and a large group of people. "Welcome here," Admiral Raddus said to their group.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm Captain Pol. I used to be with Saw Guerrera's group," Pol replied.

"This is Commander Sato. He's starting a cell of his own. If any of you are interested, he's looking for recruits. Pilots, soldiers, anyone," Lieutenant Reese added.

Pol glanced back at his group. The majority of them were nodding. "We'll join."

"Then welcome to Phoenix Squadron," Commander Sato said with a grin. He shook Pol's hand firmly. "Come with us. There's a lot to talk about."

"Admiral, will I be needed?" Ryn asked. Admiral Raddus paused and shook his head.

"Go ahead and get some rest." He smiled at her before following the others.

Feylin stepped closer to Ryn and Azie rolled to her other side. Mirk and Elide were already heading off. Mal approached them, her arms crossed. "Is Cassian here?" Fey asked.

"No, he was on a mission. Jess took me with instead," Mal replied.

A small kernel of worry tinged Ryn's mind. "Where is Jess?"

Mal's expression fell and she hesitated a moment. "There was someone at the prison who knew him. This is the last message Jess sent me before I left with the rebels." Mal switched her comm on and a message began to replay.

    "Orders are orders," Jess's voice said.

    "Orders are orders, are they? You had a really hard time following the orders of the Empire, if I recall correctly." The voice seemed vaguely familiar, but Ryn couldn't quite place it.

    "I've changed. Now, there's a cause that I support. I'll obey those orders until I die."

    "That might be sooner than you expect. You know what happened to me after you betrayed the Empire for that slave?" Ryn flinched at the words. "I was the one blamed and punished for it, because I was the one who was supposed to keep you in line. Not our commander, not our admiral, me. Your friend."

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