Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg

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‘What secret do you have that I don’t already know?” he asked her.

“I’m very-very addicted to-“ she began to rub her hands over his pants and kiss his neck. 

“Mommy I cleaned my room!” Riley shouted and Cammie moved before she entered the kitchen. 

“When?” she asked.

“Last night because I knew this morning you would tell me to clean it,” Riley beamed as she skipped over to Kash and locked onto his legs so that he couldn’t move. 

“Princesa,” he played with her hair. 

This morning as they sat down for their savory grilled cheese breakfast, Jason came by with his laptop, “Jason I made you one,” Cammie told him after Kash opened the door for him.

“Thanks Cam. You’re one of the nicest people I know,” Jason gave her a hug.

“Then you don’t know her at all,” Riley mumbled. Kash looked at her in shook and then laughed.

“Now that was funny!” he high fived her. However, Cammie found it rude and Kash could tell that she was not happy that he agreed with the comments Riley made that she learned from television. 

“Riley apologize,” Kash told her.

“I’m sorry,” Riley lowered her head.

“You have to remember that I am your mother and you cannot talk to me the same way that you talk to everyone else,” Cammie reminded her.

“Yeah Riley,” Rubin teased.

Riley kicked Rubin under the table and he kicked her back, “Not afraid of you,” he stuck his tongue out.

After breakfast, Kash sent the kids upstairs to play in the room Riley and Leah share. Cammie walked around with Leah in her arms and started singing to her. Jason set his laptop down on the coffee table and Kash sat next to him.

“Singing is not your thing,” Kash told her.

“Oh please. I can hit all of the high notes,” she smiled to herself. She sat down on the couch next to Leah and saw that Jason was fast forwarding a recording.

“What is this? A motel parking lot?” she asked as she pushed her glasses closer to her face. 

“Exactly that,” Jason said.

“Alright Kash, tell me now,” she said to him as she stood Leah up on her lap. 

“Okay so a couple of weeks ago I got a voicemail on my phone and we heard a woman screaming and a lot else going on,” Jason pulled the file up as the video fast forwarded in the background. Cammie listened and her stomach cringed as she heard the woman shouting out for help. 

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