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The wharf was a small, ancient looking construction of planks and wooden poles. Many of the boards were weather-stained, chipped, or completely missing from the ramps, causing the few people walking across them to vigilantly watch their footing.

A few small vessels, rocked by the gentle waves, strained against the poles that they were secured to, like dogs waiting for their masters. They all appeared to be fishing boats, except for one - a small yacht with a snow white sail that rose proudly above all the other vessels. The yacht's side read "Salacia" in cursive, silver letters, and if I recalled my history class correctly, that name belonged to the Roman goddess of salt waters who resided over the depth of the sea, and was the wife of the god Neptune.

"Wait here," told me Sebastian before heading down the ramp and towards 'Salacia'.

Aside from us, the people here all seemed to be natives of the working class, most appearing to be fishermen. Some unloaded their catch while others fixed fishing nets or scrubbed their boats clean. All had deep tans from working long hours under the sun, and most could use a shave and a bath. Sebastian and I really stood out with our crisp clothes and carefree composures. I was back in my new hat and white dress in the folds of which gently played the salty ocean breeze, and the butler finally decided to put his shirt back on much to my relief.

Upon reaching 'Salacia', Sebastian exchanged a few words with the man aboard the sailboat who was painting the railing before the demon disturbed him. I could only guess what they talked about from the gestures and the body language, but whatever Sebastian told him seemed to really interest the man, as he set aside his can of paint and nodded expressively at the butler. Suddenly, Sebastian motioned in my direction and the yacht owner threw me a sizing glance before nodding his head again. The demon then handed him something which he received enthusiastically with both hands.

Why did I get the impression that Sebastian just sold me to him? I chuckled to myself.

Having arrived at some sort of agreement, the demon strode back to my side, a thoughtful smile never leaving his face.

"How do you feel about watching the sunset from the open sea, My Lady?" He asked, offering me a hand.

"Sounds tempting," I responded with glee, eagerly accepting his hand.

Sebastian escorted me down the ramp, keeping me from stumbling all over the wobbly planks (I wouldn't be surprised if I was the clumsiest creature he'd ever served), aiding me on the yacht like the true gentleman that he was, before jumping aboard himself.

Up close, the vessel seemed even more impressive than from afar. The polished wood reflected the rays of the setting sun, accenting the flowery patterns engraved on its walls, and the colossal sail wavered above us like the wing of an enormous white dragon.

"Welcome aboard 'Salacia', Lady Phantomhive," greeted the man with whom Sebastian spoke earlier, "my name is Mario, and I will be your skipper for today."

Judging from the many wrinkles and the graying moustache, Mario was on the brink of retirement. But despite his visible age, he seemed lively and very spirited. A red bucket hat was pulled low over his eyes, and I took notice that the ring finger of his left hand was missing which immediately made me wonder of the story behind it.

"Thank you," I responded cheerfully.

"And is this persuasive gentleman a servant of yours?" Asked Mario, motioning towards Sebastian.

The demon didn't hesitate to introduce himself with a small bow, "I'm simply one hell of a-"

"Partner in crime," I cut him off before he coul finish his sentence, topping off my answer with a small wink, recieving an understanding nod from Mario.

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