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"Italy?!" My jaw dropped.

Skeptical, I walked up to the window and pulled open the curtains, gasping at the glorious view unveiling before me.

What I thought before to be large windows was actually a glass door, leading out onto a small balcony. Beyond the white railing rose square houses, all painted with various, vivid colours as if Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, had personally built this city. The narrow, brick-paved streets lead steeply downhill, ending at the white, sandy beach that snaked along the shore and far out of view in both directions. And of course there was the sea - the endless vast of blue and teal that spread far beyond the horizon. Rare waves chased each other along the trackless surface, playfully rocking the white sailed vessels that glided unhurriedly across the waters.

The sight was too great to take in all at once. I pinched my arm to make sure it wasn't all just a dream.

"H-how did we get here? And when?" I asked the butler who had joined me by the window.

"From the Robinson's estate I drove us straight to the train station," explained Sebastian, "I caught the last race headed for Italy. You were passed out the whole journey to this hotel, My Lady, so I doubt that you will recall this, but we stayed on the train for two full days."

"I slept for that long?"

"Frankly, yes. The effects of the Spider-Dew Ivy take a while to wear off. Before you ask, that is the name of the plant that's been brewed into your drink. It's extremely poisonous to human beings, but when the dose is just right, it can temporarily mess with one's nervous system - greatly weaking the signals that your brain sends to your muscles - causing you to be partially paralyzed."

"Huh..." I didn't fully grasp the meaning of what he had said, but the main idea was clear.

Sebastian ran a hand through his black locks and shifted to rest his weight on the doorframe before saying in a low voice, "if only I was with you at that moment, all that wouldn't have happened."

I looked up into his heavy eyes.

"You had no way of knowing what would happen," I told him, "if anything, you tried to talk me out of going to the estate to begin with. It was my fault for being so careless."

"That justifies nothing," menace coated his deep voice, making me flinch with apprehension, "We had a contract. I have to keep you safe no matter the cost."

I could feel a threatening aura slowly growing around him.

"Sebastian," I took his big hand into mine, squeezing gently, "if you hadn't found me when you did, I... I can't even begin to imagine what could have happened. So thank you."

He stared at me for a moment, lost in thought, but then his facial features softened, and I was left feeling as if I had just tamed a storm.

"But... why Italy of all places? Why not just take me back home?" I asked.

"Y/N, I had to get you out of Great Britain. You need to take a break from funerals and mournful relatives, but it's impossible when reminders of Alexander await behind every corner. Here you can escape from all that, and take a breath of fresh air, and recenter on what's important to you."

I caught my bottom lip between my teeth.

So much had happened over the past week.... an escape did sound very nice. I couldn't even recall the last time I had a proper vacation.

"I think you're right," I said, "we could stay here for a little while. But what about things back home? Who will take care of the Phantomhive manor?"

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