Time Is Ticking

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When Tyler arrived to the sixth floor, he placed all of them in different room, handcuffing them each to a bed, only one arm around the headboard though. So when they woke up, they would be able to read the note he left all of them, which stated:

Dear dumbasses,

The reason I'm killing you all, is because the love of my life loves another. Even After I gave her the greatest sex she would ever receive, she ran right back to her boyfriend. Since you guys think that I should just 'give up on her' y'all can die along with the two.

                                  Your friend,

Tyler wanted to get rid of the weakest link first, Amber. So when he heard her struggling to break free, he entered her room with a chainsaw in his hand.

"Hello Amber...", he said in a sinister tone approaching her. "Any last words?"

Amber shook her head as she let tears fall. She had nothing to say because she wasn't even expecting for Tyler to turn around and do this.

"Why Tyler?", Amber cried as she laid on the bed. "Why not just kill Tiara and Leo?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow as he lowered his chainsaw. He didn't think of turning Everyone against Tiara and Leo.

"You make a good point Amber, but I watch movies and you'll eventually betray me."

Tyler started the chainsaw up as he pierced it through Amber's waist. Amber screamed in agony as Tyler laughed evily, trying to go as fast as he could.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!", Amber screamed as it echoed throughout the halls.

In Tiara's room, Tiara was trying to file her way out of the handcuffs with her nail filer. She just about had it when Leo jumped in front of her room door. Tiara jumped back as she dropped her nail filer.

"GOD LEO!", she yelled trying to catch her breathe.

"SSH!", Leo said running over to her side.

Leo finished filing her out, when the handcuffs hit the floor, they heard the chainsaw stop.

"We have to get the fuck out of here!", Tiara whispered. "I'm scared shitless."

Leo and Tiara held hands, running towards the door to peek out in the hallway. They saw Tyler peeking into Jason's room carrying a can of pepper spray. Leo sparked up an idea. He told Tiara to stay in the doorway while he went over to see what happened to Amber. Leo walked over to the room to be hit by the smell of dead fish.

"What the hell is that?", Leo said peeking inside.

His mouth dropped as he saw Amber's torso slung carelessly over the bed and her bottom half on the floor.

"Oh my fucking God!", he screeched. "JASON!"

Leo sprinted out of the room, and down the hall into Jason's room. Their stood Tyler, spraying Jason in his eyes with the pepper spray.

"WHAT THE FUCK TYLER?", he screamed as he squirmed on the bed. "I thought we were boys man!"

"Hoes before bros", Tyler said as he smiled down at Jason.

"Aye Tyler!"

Jason turned around to see Leo standing in the door frame. He dropped the pepper spray on the ground and slowly approached Leo.

"Well if it isn't the man that started it all....", Tyler spoke lowly.

Leo was scared as shit, but he knew he couldn't let Tyler know that, so he stood his grounds.

"I'm not scared of you, you're the one that seems scary."


"Using various items to kill us? Wow, you're SO brave!", Leo said mocking him.

"I can easily kill you...all I have to do is beat yo ass my damn self."

Meanwhile, Tiara had went to go find Jacob.

"Jacob!", she yelled searching the fourth floor. "Jacob!"

But Jacob was in the lobby tied up to a cross, drenched in gasoline. Since he was Tiara's Bestfriend, Tyler planned on burning Jacob to death, then later sprinkling his ashes in a dumpster, where he said it belonged.

But there was another thing, just incase someone ended up killing Tyler, he set a bomb in the place that would explode in less than 2 hours.

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