True Colors

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The next day at Lunch Tiara was still acting weirdly. She kept trembling and looking around trying her best to stay clear from Ryan.

"T, Ryan ain't here!", Jacob exclaimed eating on his veggie Burger. "He ain't tryin ta kill you."

Tiara took a deep breathe and sighed, gripping onto Leo's arm. He thought she was just acting paranoid.

"You're right Jakey, it's all in my head."

As everyone laughed, Amber ran over to their table holding up baby clothes, shoes, blankets, etc.

"Tiara!", Amber said slamming the items down startling everyone. "I'm planning you a baby shower!"

Leo turned to Tiara raising an eyebrow as everyone's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

"You pregnant?!", Tyler asked.

Tiara's cheeks turned to a bright red as she tried to take in what Amber had just said.

"No, I'm not pregnant!", Tiara said tugging on Amber's arms as she whispered to her. "Where you get that from?!"

"You're glowing, when a girl glows like that, she just had sex!", Amber said in a loud tone. "Or did y'all use protection?"

"Protection", Leo said in a serious tone as he blushed.

Tiara blushed as a wide grin spread across Jason's face.

"Looks like innocent Tiara finally lost her V card", he said grinning.

"Hol up!", Jacob said turning Tiara's way. "I'm your BestFriend, N you ain't tell me? You tell me everything!"

"Jakey I'm sorry, it was just....something I thought I should keep to myself, you know?"

Amber nodded defending Tiara, putting all the items in her huge oversized purse.

"That's true, it is weird to tell someone you just had sex."

"But this is sweet innocent Tiara we talkin 'bout!", Jason protested. "I thought she was gone wait till marriage."

Tiara shot up and placed her hands on the table, her face beginning to feel really hot. She hated the fact that her friends were all mad at her, for the first time in her life she made a decision for herself, not listening to everyone's opinions.

"So you guys are angry at me, because I didn't let y'all know I had sex?!", Tiara snapped.

"A little", Jacob responded in a innocent tone, sticking his bottom lip out as he fanned his eyelashes.

Tiara sighed and sat back down crossing her arms. She hadn't seen her parents in 6 months and she missed the hell out of them. Her friends weren't making anything better either.

"Everyone calm down!", Leo said kissing Tiara on her neck. "She's really sorry about not telling y'all."

"Leo you apart of this", Tyler said as Jacob and Jason nodded. "You could have told us."

"Hey, I'm just listening to my baby girl, Tiara."

The table grew silent as everyone continued to eat. The rest of the day was pretty calm until Tiara walked through her front door after school to see her parents home early.

"Tiara!", they both yelled in unison, giving Tiara a bear hug.

"Uh, hey...."

"Did you have fun while we were gone?", Jarold said plopping down on the couch flipping through the channels.

"I hope you finally got over that one boy....", Rose mumbled as she sat next to Tiara's father.

Tiara's entire demeanor changed as she froze up, surprised by her mother's harsh words.

"W-What did you just say?"

"Leo was a bad influence on you baby girl...", her father murmured lowly.

"Him? No no no, he's an amazing influence on me, what are you talking about?", Tiara said in a louder tone, scrunching her eyes at her parents.

"We don't want you seeing Leo anymore, me and your father already talked about it, what about Tyler? He's a nice boy", Rose said nodding.

Tiara was furious, she couldn't believe that her parents were actually trying to take Leo away from her, the only boy she's liked in a long time.


"It was my idea in the first place."

"You will NEVER keep me away from Leo, do you hear me?", Tiara yelled at them. "I hate y'all!"

Tiara didn't play when it came to the people she loved, but don't get her wrong, she loves her parents, but she was starting to think she loved Leo a bit more. As Tiara stumped up to her room she realized one thing, everyone around her began to show their true colors, and as they did it made Tiara become even more heartless day by day.

Tiara skipped school the next morning and decided to go on a shopping spree using her parents credit card they gave her for emergencies only.

She went into tons of stores buying anything and everything she saw that caught her attention, she never thought it would happen but Britney's fashion sense began to rub off on her in a way. After spending hours at the mall she called Leo to pick her back up and drop her off at home.

"Your parents actually said that?", Leo said stopping in front of Tiara's home.

"Yup", Tiara said popping the p. "But I don't give a fuck anymore, I love you and that's all that matters."

Leo pecked Tiara on the lips and waved goodbye as she walked out the car and went inside her house. Walking into the kitchen, Tiara dropped all the receipts on the kitchen table and waved as she proudly walked up the stairs.

"$200 for a pair of shoes?", Rose gasped loudly, rummaging through the receipts with Jarold.

"$156.38 on crop tops?!", Jarold said infuriated. "Tiara is getting out of hand!"

Rose shook her head as she began to start dinner.

"It's just a faze baby, calm down, she'll grow out of it."

But she didn't, 4 months in and Tiara began to stay out all night, drink, party, but somehow managed to keep her grades up so she could pass to become a junior.

Tiara tossed on a white crop top that said 'Cold-Hearted' on it in gold letters with some black shorts and gold slip ins as she wore her hair in a high bun throwing on her ray bans. She strutted downstairs and walked right past her parents exiting the door. All they could do was shake their head in disappointment.

"My baby look good", Leo said as Tiara got into his car.

"So do you, so where we going today?"

"The beach."

When they arrived, all eyes were on Tiara, Leo stopped at a nearby store and get Tiara a red swimming suit to match with his swim trunks. Their at the beach was Amber, Jason, Jacob, and Tyler along with Mercedes and Suzie. Tiara hugged Jacob tightly as they made their way to the water.

"What's been going on Jakey? I heard you got another girl."

Jacob shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Nah, you know I only fuck N duck T, but um, your parents wonted me to talk ta you 'bout sum..."

"Spit it out."

"Since you changing N shit, dey talkin 'bout movin you back to Los Angeles."

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