Sex Talk and Partying

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When everyone arrived at Tiara's place, Leo tried his hardest to get Tiara alone just for a second. But nothing worked. Hours later everyone fell asleep and Tiara and Leo were the only ones up in her bedroom.

She was trying on new outfits as Leo judged them. The outfit she had on was a purple crop top and some black short shorts with purple chucks.

"How does this look?", Tiara asked doing a few poses.

Leo glanced up at her with a blank stare and nodded.

"Yeah it looks nice....whatever", Leo said rolling his eyes.

Tiara shrugged her shoulders and sat next Leo on the bed and began playing with his long hair.

"Leo what's wrong?", Tiara said rubbing Leo's back in a circular motion.

Leo turned to Tiara and cuffed both of her hands into his, gazing into her eyes.

"Tiara you don't understand...I really do love you, THAT'S why I wanted to have sex with you so I can express that feeling to you", Leo said glancing around the room. "We can use protection."

Tiara rolled her eyes, tossing Leo's hands to the side.

"Is that the only reason why you like me Leo?", Tiara asked in a hurt tone.

"What?!", he snapped standing up hovering over Tiara with his hands on his hips. "Hell no! I love you Tiara!"

Tiara didn't believe in love, she didn't believe in it because people over used it in almost every situation. So she sighed and tried to come up with a reason not to have sex with him.

"I'm sorry Leo, I know you love me but....but I don't believe in 'love'. I can't have sex tonight anyways", Tiara smiled as she stood up next to Leo.

Leo raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, looking Tiara up and down.


"I'm....on my period?"

It came out more like a question than a statement, but it was the only excuse Tiara could come up with.

"You're lying!", Leo pointed at her laughing. "Your period was two weeks ago because you texted me at school when you were in the bathroom telling me to bring you some pads and a fresh pair of pants and undies from your locker."

Damn it. She had no choice but to tell him the truth.

"I'm afraid okay?", Tiara admitted. "I'm not ready to lose my virginity yet."

Tiara turned away pouting as she crossed her arms. Leo felt guilty and wrapped his arms around her, landing a kiss on her forehead.

"It's okay Tiara, I'm not going to do it until your fully ready", Leo spoke softly into her ear. "Let's something else then."

Tiara began to worry as Leo started stripping her from her shorts. He picked her up and laid her gently down on the bed. Once Leo turned off the light switch, he lit a vanilla scented candle and locked her bedroom door smirking.


"Shh! Just relax....", Leo said as he made his way over to Tiara.

Leo climbed onto Tiara's bed, hovering over her as he placed his knees on either side of Tiara's foot.

"You ready?", Leo asked licking his lips as he slipped Tiara's panties down around her ankles.

"For what exactly?"

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