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Shawn knew that he was adopted because his adoptive parents were pure white and he was black. He asked multiple times about his biological parents, but they couldn't release any information because it was a closed adoption.

Tiara sat in her bedroom mirror placing on some hoops as Amber polished her nails on her bed.

"I can't BELIEVE yo ass actually saw THE Shawn McCoy and he gave you two free tickets!", Amber squealed.

"That nigga is SO sexy!", Tiara said fangirling over him.

Tiara wasn't the type to be obsessive over a celebrity, but living in Chicago for as long as she had, the rowdy lifestyle began to rub off on her.

"And watch, Britney is gonna be SO jealous!", Amber said clapping.

Tiara turned around giving Amber a weird look.


"Cuz ha ass gone be at HOME catching it on the news tomorrow!", Amber said laughing.

Even though Tiara only knew Amber for a few months, she could already tell that she was a good friend. Even though Tiara had Jacob, she needed to spend time with a girl at times.

Hours later Rose dropped off Tiara in front of the Arie Crown Theater surprised to see that the line wasn't that long. But after paying to get in, everything sunk in.

The heat hit Tiara so fast that as soon as she stepped in the building her pits began to sweat. The vibrating of the music rang throughout the room sending a chill down Amber's spine. The two tickets Shawn gave her were VIP so they easily slipped pass everyone happily as they gave her a blank look. Shawn had on a white Tee with black skinny jeans with some white air force ones along with a gold chain. They made it to the front row just in time to hear Shawn start rapping.

"I was born in Los Angeles, but raised in Chiraq!", he yelled into the microphone bobbing his head to the fast beat.

"I may have flunked out of school, but I still make them stacks!"

After Shawn sung his song 'Made it To The Top' he song three more of his famous songs. The crowd roared and chanted his name as he pranced all over the stage making the girls go crazy.

"I LOVE YOU SHAWN!", Britney yelled over the loud music waving her sign that said 'I ❤ Shawn' in the air.

Shawn struck a pose as he ended his last song. He walked up to the edge of the stage and pointed out Tiara. She stared at him nervously biting her bottom lip as he pulled her onstage.

"What's yo name lil mama?", he asked into the microphone, flashing his white smile.

Shawn handed Tiara the microphone as she glanced at the huge crowd standing in front of her.

"Tiara Williams!", she yelled into the microphone.

"Well Tiara, you just earned yoself a backstage pass", Shawn said, causing the other girls to scream in jealousy.

Tiara glanced at Amber in the front row waving her hands at her, signaling her that it was okay. Shawn took Tiara to the back of the stage showing her around, after a quick tour he showed Tiara his dressing room.

"This is where I become sexyfied!", Shawn said putting his arm around Tiara. "It's tight ain't it?"

Tiara looked around the room noticing one thing that caught her attention.

A picture of Shawn's adoptive parents hanging out of his Duffel bag.

"Is that your family?", Tiara asked pointing at the picture.

Shawn dragged his feet over to the bag to show Tiara the picture. There sat Shawn in his adoptive mothers hands as his adoptive father hugged her from behind.

"But you're...."

Tiara didn't want to offend Shawn, But she couldn't find a nice way to put it.

"I'm black, they white, I know I'm adopted", he confessed in a bummed tone.

Tiara faced Shawn giving him a sentimental look.

"They never told you about your biological parents?"

"Nah mane.....But it's ight, I know dey had to have a good reason ta give meh up", Shawn said in a cheery tone.

Tiara glanced at her watch to see that it was 12:03am.

"I gotta get home!", Tiara said backing out the door. "I have to call my mom and-"

Shawn grabbed Tiara's wrist as he pulled her back inwards.

"I can getchu a ride real quick."


Was all Tiara said as she stood out the roof of the limo holding her hands up. The wind blew Tiara's hair back giving her an adrenaline rush.

"Fun ain't it!?", he yelled out to her.

"Hell yeah!"

As the limo came to a halt, Shawn opened his door stepping out, jogging over to Tiara's door to help her out.

"Thanks for the once in a lifetime opportunity Shawn", Tiara said smiling.

"You welcome lil mama, I hope I ain't getchu in alot of trouble."

Tiara laughed punching him playfully in the arm.

"Nah you good."

Shawn scratched his head, nervously because he didn't have anything else to say. He looked at Tiara's thin lips, curvy body, and messy hair, it was giving him chills.

"Ion usually do dis but, here's my number, call me maybe?"

That came out cornier than Shawn expected. Tiara laughed taking the slip of paper as Shawn laughed nervously.

"We'll see."

Shawn cracked a small smile as he gave Tiara a hug before he got back in the limo and drove off. A happy Tiara unlocked the door to her house as she thought about what just happened.

She talked to Shawn McCoy, everyone's favorite rapper in Chicago.

But right around the corner was a photographer, the same one that tried to ruin Shawn's career two years ago by saying that he was gay. He followed Shawn's limo three cars behind another car so it would'nt look suspicous. He had snapped pictures of the two hugging each other and was going to turn them in as soon as possible.

The next morning as Tiara's family was watching the morning news a special report came across the television.

"Young rapper Shawn McCoy was caught hugging an unidentified person, an unknown source claims that it's his new girlfriend that he trying to hide from the media", the new reporter stated.

Tiara swallowed hard as her mother and father sat on the couch with their mouths hanging open. Tiara stood up in front of the television cutting the volume up a bit. A picture of the two from last night was shown on the screen.

"Shawn is known as the rapper who always spoke the truth and was the realest N-word out here in these streets' ", the reporter said quoting some lines from his one of his recent songs. "How will he respond to this rumor? Is he actually seeing a girl and lying behind his fans backs? Since his fanbase is 96% girls, how will they react to this? All these questions and more will be answered tonight, back to you Tom."

Tiara didn't know how to respond. Shawn always told his fans that he would always tell them everything, even when it came to dating. So if they find out about this they would flip.

What made it worse was that she wasn't the only one watching the report. Jacob, Tyler, Britney, and Leo were watching as well.

What made it even worse, was that she was being accused of dating her brother.

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